stomach virus☔

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someone requested this one so here you go, srry it took my a couple days💙

Corbyns POV

This morning I woke up in my own pool of sweat, but it wasn't even hot in my room ?

Currently we are in Beverly Hills California at the why don't we house, we've had a couple days off tour so we have decided to keep it limited and stay in cali.

I woke up this morning, with wetness all around me, which confused me alot because I didn't understand what was up. I suddenly hear jonah yell from downstairs "Corbyn get up, time to eat"

I slowly stood up when a set of nausea set through me whole damn body, and I feel back onto the bed, then I relized how big of shit I feel, my head is throbbing, my throat hurts, my stomach is in knots, and my legs are very weak, so I decide there's no way im going to try to take the stairs just in case another dizzy spell hits and I fell.

So I lay back down, when I feEl my stomach do flip flops, and I suddenly have are urge to throw up, so I run to the bathroom, I barely made it just in time before I let all my contents out.

It's been about 20 minutes of me constantly throwing up, drying heaving and gagging when my stomach finally decides to give me a break, which in very thankfull for that

"Corbyn come on, we have to go perform an acoustic version of 8 letters, we leave in 5 mins" I heard jack yell from the bottom of the stairs.

I mentally attack myself forgetting all about the acoustic version we have to do of our new song 8 letters (which got gold in ausssiiii❤😂)

I fastly but slowly put some cloths on not feeling the best, I go downstairs and wait for the driver to appear outside. "Corbyn you okay buddy ? Your not looking so good." I could tell my the voice it was jack.

should I tell them

no? you'll be a burden, no wants a burden

keep your mouth shut

be quiet, be quiet, be quiet

I was going in and out of thought for such a long time, I didn't even relize the bus pulled up, we all pile into the bus and were on our way. The whole drive as absoulte hell for me, everybumb, turn, or urgent stop made me feel like absolute shit. I keep groaning every time the bus would jerk and all the bus took notice.

We made our way into the venue, where were doing our soundcheck, when it was my part to sing nothing would come out, I was only thinking about the pain in my stomach, and the knot in my throat, I had the urge to throw up again, so I ran out of sound checking (cuz ya know im always goofing off😉😉)

I immediately ran to the bathrrom, dropped to my knees, and let's out cries while throwing up into the toilet. It all hurt so much, the pain was too over bearing, my heart was beating super fast, my legs are very wobbly.

I suddenly hear a knock on the door and relize it's daniel because I can smell his cologne, "corbyn, are you okay"

n-no-um-i- I said in between gags, that let me throw up again

"can I come in" daniel asked very calmly trying not to alarm me. yah, is all I could get out before I threw up again, u heard the door know jiggle knowing it was daniel, he kneeled beside me and whispered things into my ear to keep my calm.

let it out corbyn

your going to be okay

its okay buddy im right here

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