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corbyn was sitting on his bed at the why don't we house scrolling through his phone.

he was looking at old pictures of him and his ex.

him and jonah had just recently broken up due to rumors surrounding their relationship. they both knew it was for the best, but corbyns heart was in pain.

even though he wouldn't admit it to jonah, his life was better when he was with jonah in his arms, or when jonah would kiss his favorite spot on his cheek.

the memories of him and jonah kept flashing through his head and it hurt every time.

it felt was if he was let down by his only lover. it was mutual though, it was well needed for both of them, corbyn was just suffering.

2 years and he lost his lover.

it was only pain he could feel now.


as corbyn accidentally fell asleep on his bed, jonah made his way into his room to get his clothes to wash.

he looked at corbyn who had dried up tears on his face and jonah couldn't help, but think he was the cause of it.

as he gathered his clothes, he made his way back downstairs to be meant with the other boys.

"fans wanna know what happened" jack asked breaking the akward tension that floated in the room. jonah didn't say anything, but sat in the couch.

he stared at the tv blankly hoping if he stared at it long enough all his problems would disappear.

it didn't. he still had corbyn as his biggest problem. it wasn't necessarily a problem, it was a drug. jonah couldn't keep away from him no matter how hard he tried. it was only corbyn and he knew that.

as corbyn awoke he broke out in a sweat. he had just woken up from a dream, that took place at his and jonahs first date. he broke out in tears at the memories.

he got up and slipped on some shoes deciding taking a walk would be good for him.

as he walked downstairs he was meant with all the boys in the living room. as corbyn made it to the front door he was stopped by a fragile voice he knew was jonahs.

"hey where you going" he asked timidly. "out" corbyn spoke opening the door, just before he stepped out jonah spoke up.

"be safe and call me when you get home, just in case im not here" corbyn smiled at the thought his ex lover still cared even just a little bit.

as he made his way down the sidewalk he started talking to himself to relieve some of his nerves.

it doesn't matter what happens you and jonah are still friends. he still cares. just no more kissing, or cuddling. who needs that anyways?

corbyn sighed knowing he wanted those things even if it was just one more kiss, or one hour of cuddles.

corbyn couldn't feel anything. he wanted jonahs everything. he wanted his touch, his lips, even the makeup sex corbyn was up for.

corbyn didn't wanna be alive if that didn't include jonah with him at all times protecting him and loving him. he knew on day one he was going to become attached to jonah just to be let down.

he was let down the minute he walked in and broken the minute he walked out.

he wanted to die.

and it's as if it wasn't right on que, corbyn was grabbed by the back of the neck and thrown on to the ground.

he turned around and was meant with 5 teenage boys that looked to be older than him and stronger.

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