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nyctophobia- the fear of darkness.

corbyn was terrified. it was currently 10pm and he had recently fallen asleep in his dark room. usually he would have some sort of nightlight, but tonight he didn’t have one.

zach had ran into it the day before and unexpectedly broke it. corbyn didn’t say anything not wanting the boys to know he has scared of the dark.

other than that, the boys finding out was his worst fear.

he lied in bed staring at the ceiling willing himself to get up and take two steps out of his room to jacks, but everytime he wanted to get up his legs wouldn’t allow it.

he was frozen to his bed.

no matter how hard he tried, every look around his room, he was afraid something would pop out of the dark corners, and when he would get up he was afraid something would grab at his feet and pull him underneath his bed to never be seen again.

corbyn was terribly petrified of the dark. the only person that knew was his family members, considering he slept with them until age 15.

he’s now 21 with still the mighty fear.

as he was laying on his bed, he heard a small bang at his wall from behind him. he quickly jumped up and let out a scream. he then realized his feet where now planted on the floor and jolted up and ran out of his room into the dark endless hallway.

as he was walking, he kept turning around afraid something was following him, but everytime he would turn around he saw nothing, which scared the vulnerable blonde even more.

he then ran into the table in the hallway trying to find the closes room possible. he let out a yelp and fell to the ground.

he had stayed there for about 20 minutes until he willed himself to stand up, as he did he saw someone standing in front of him and fell backwards screaming.

he thought whatever it was, was going to harm him like they do in his dreams, but what he didn’t know was that it was just a lavender haired boy who had woken up to all the noise.

“corbyn?” jack said kneeling down in front of his best friend who he could barely see, the only thing he could notice was his sharp breathing.

“j-j-jack is that you” corbyn said frightened out of his mind. “phone flashlight please” he asked in between breaths. jack did as asked and turned on his flashlight on his phone.

when he pointed it at corbyn he saw the look of scaredness in his eyes. he placed his hands on his knees gently not wanting to startle him.

“hey buddy it’s okay. what happened” jack asked softly. “i heard something in my r-r-room and got scared, but when i finally made it out here, i got even more scared.” corbyn said with a hint of sadness in his voice, that did not go un noticed by jack.

“come on, come sleep with me” jack said picking corbyn up and walking back to his room. he placed corbyn on the bed and crawled in beside him.

he heard corbyn let out a soft sob, and felt him scoot closer to his body.

“jack im scared” he breathed out.

jack wrapped his arms tighter around his best friends waist wanting nothing but to protect him. “im right here bro, im not letting go. i promise” jack said. “i don’t like the dark” corbyn admitted to the boy for the first time.

“i know. but im right here. your safe with me forever and always” jack said reassuringly.

corbyn yawned and closed his eyes falling asleep.

jack turned on his flashlight on his phone, just in case the boy woke up in the middle of the night afraid of what might be hiding in jacks room.

jack sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep with the vulnerable blonde boy in his arms.

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