nightmare 😈

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corbyns POV

sleeping in, and sleeping late for me was not an option.

the past few nights ive been having really bad nightmares, and ive been too scared to sleep.

currently the boys and i are on the leg of the aussi tour with only 3 shows left.

last night i woke up in a cold sweat, with tears brimmed in my eyes.

i looked to my right in the hotel bed, and saw nobody. then i immediately remembered zach was with jack, and jonah was with eben and daniel, which left me all alone.

left me all alone to wake up scared out of my mind.

all alone to suffer on my own.

my thoughts would be destroyed and taken down in one night, by one nightmare, that i was afraid that would come true.

"corbyn, your by yourself again" after those words left his lips, i immediately felt like i was gonna die. i didn't wanna be alone, and my mind was telling me the exact same thing.

"i-i-i don't wanna be alone" i say stuttering through half the sentence, as more of my nerves kicked in.

"corbyn your 21, your sleeping by yourself man up" our manager shouted at me. i quickly walked away as i felt tears fill my eyes.

"hey corbyn" i heard zach yelling at me. i kept walking till i got to my room. "bro, wait" i finally turned around with bloodshot eyes, and quiet whimpers left my lips once in a while.

he put his hands on my shoulders. and started saying something i didn't quit catch.

"w-w-what" i stutter out once again.

"what the fuck is going on. your in tears and you don't wanna sleep by yourself." i was hesitant to tell zach at first, but i thought since hes the youngest he would semi understand.

"ive just been having nightmares lately and i just didn't wanna be alone, but it's fin-" before i could finish my sentence zach cut me off, with his own words.

"no. if you don't wanna be alone you don't have to be. the guys and i will stay with you, if you have a nightmare will be there i promise" i smile at zachs friendly gesture.

i nod my friend, and enter my bedroom, and throw my bags on the bed. it's only 2pm so i have some time do to whatever i want.

i decided to just watch some netflix, and see if i can pass the time by.

about 3 hours in, i heard my bedroom door open, afraid of what was happening.

was i gonna die?

oh my god my nightmares coming true.

i quickly got off the bed and grabbed the lamp beside me.

i walked over towards the wall and leaned over, just to see jack walking up to me with food. "what the fuck corbyn put that down."

i let out a little chuckle followed by a sorry. "here" he says handing me a bag of food. "thanks" i say sitting down on the bed.

"so what are we watching" i smile and answer jack. "the mist" he nods and sits beside me, as we both start eating.

about couple hours later it was time for bed, so i gently covered myself up beside jack, when i heard the other boys barge in, with sleeping bags, and some more shit.

"okay, where here." jonah says through laughter. "now scoot over" zach yelled flaring his arms at me. i gently scooted over and zach climbed in followed by the other boys.

i cuddled into zach and slowly drifted off.

"you need to listen and shut up, ill do whatever i want to you." jake said taking a knife, burning it, and burying it into my skin.

i yelped out in pain.

he then walked over to daniel and did the same thing but twenty times longer, until daniel passed out.

he held a gun up to daniel, then pulled the trigger.

"NO" i yell out seeing daniels blood spat all over my face.

he then walked over to jonah and the rest of the guys and immediately shot them.

"fuck stop please, please." i said as he buried a knife into my skin.

i whinced as i felt it hit a bone.

my life was over i knew it.

he then held the gun to my face.

"no fuck stop- please dont. please, dont.

zachs POV

it was around 1am when i felt someone stirring on my stomach, so i woke up and saw it was corbyn.

he was yelling things out in his sleep, as he was flaring his arms.

"no stop-please" he yelled, as i woke up the others. we all just had to wait it out until it was over.

he then suddenly shot up trying to catch his breath, as tears ran down his face.

i pulled him close and kissed his forehead, as he flinched. i grabbed his biceps and made him look at me.

he flinched again, as more tears fell, and his breathing was ratched.

"hey, hey, hey no. it's just me. it's just zach. it's alright bubba" i say pulling him into a hug, but making sure he was comfortable first.

"fuck" he whinced out, as i saw him burying his finger nails into his skin, as this was a common thing corbyn did when he was nervous.

i took his hands and placed them in mine, and gently kissed the blood off his palms.

i see a slight blush form on his cheeks, as he looked away.

"corbyn. your safe now, we've got you" daniel stated while placing his hands on his shoulders to calm down his breathing, as corbyn leaned into his chest.

jonah walked away to get water, as jack just watched the whole scene play out, not knowing exactly what to do.

jonah came back and placed the water in corbyns shaky hands. i helped corbyn lift the bottle up, so he didn't have to do it alone. he took small sips and put the glass down.

"whatever happened in your nightmare corbs, were all here, and where all alive, and safe. we love you and where never leaving" jack said deciding to not ask what the dream was about, because that would only make it worse.

we then see corbyn yawn, then lean towards my chest as i layed him down, so he was still against me.

i see his eyes start to shut, then he drifts off.

i wrap my arms around him and kiss his sweaty forehead.

"night bean. i love you" was the last thing heard that night, before we all drifted off, into what we where hoping would be are dreams.

{hate to be THAT bitch, but im totally that bitch}

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