asthma attack🗣️

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corbyns POV.

currently the boys and i are on our way to bali for our show that's begins in less than 3 hours.

we where all stressing and worrying that we might not make it in time, for the show.

"boys get ready on the bus right now"

we all where running around like crackhead, when all of a sudden I felt a shortness of breath. "yo dog, you need to slow down and be more careful corbs, you have asthma take it slow" jack said with his hands on the side of my shoulders, i slowly leaned into his chest, wanting to feel his touch and warmth.

as i was doing that we both got yelled at by our manager to be ready in 25 minutes, but all I wanted to do was stay with jack.

when i woke up this morning my chest was more tight than usual which gave me a little bit of anxiety.

but i just believed everything would turn out fine. jack ended up sitting on the couch, so i sat down beside him, i felt my breath get cut short all of a sudden , and began to cough. "aye corbs you good" he asks me with a concerned face. i stopped coughing and looked at him with full potential in my eyes.

"yeah im good, false alarm" i say giggling leaning into his touch even more. that's when daniel came into the room spraying a shit load of cologne, i decided to not say anything or yell at him just hoping everything would turn out fine.

as daniel walked away i could feel my oxygen get cut off very short. my chest was tighting, my heart was racing, my breath was retched. i simply tried to ignore the fact i was dying, maybe because i knew how to handle myself and everything would be okay.

that's when i started coughing loud, and i couldn't stop.

i heard people around me asking if i was okay, but i could barely make out any words, as my coughing got louder and my breathing got harder.

i felt tears starting to rush down my face, as i was trying to open my airways. nothing worked.

absolutely nothing.

"corbyn, breath okay, you need to breath" jack said holding me into his side. "i-i-i can't" "ok corbs don't talk, itll only make it worse"

" JONAH GET CORBYNS INHALER NOW" i heard jack yell making me wince.

nothing at this point was audible, my breathing was barely there, and im pretty sure my tears where gone.

"jack i got it" jonah yelled throwing the inhaler, throwing it to jack.

jack put the inhaler in my mouth, but my body was to weak to even hold it, so jack did it for me. my breathing got better but not way better.

it just made me cry even more knowing id need my nebulizer which is something i never usually use. i saw jack get up and run to the back lounge to get it.

my vision was getting very blurry, and my tears were stinging.

jack ran back in plugging in my nebulizer, and running to my while placing the mask into .y face.

i felt my breathing got better but it still was a struggle. jack took the mask off my face and pulled me into his chest. "your okay bud i gotchu" though my breathing was better my tears wouldn't stop falling.

"shhhh its okay, your completely okay, im here" i smiled at jacks comment finally knowing i was going to be okay.

{been a minute huh?}

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