allergic reaction👃

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corbyns POV

this morning i woke up with jonahs tight grasp around my petite waist.

i slowly turn over and and bury my head into his chest not wanting to wake up, until daniel burst through the door and yelled at us to wake up that we have an interview soon.

i nod my head added with a smile, and gently shake jonah to wake him up.

he groans and turns the other way.

the only thing i know to do is to jump on top over him, so thats what i do.

he groans out "you little shit head" he says while rubbing his head. "well if you would of gotten up when i said so, that wouldn't of happened" i added.

"we have an interview" he nods his head and stands up.

we both walk to the closet and slip on each other's clothes. i slip over jonahs hoodie, and his sweatpants that are too big on me, but still look fancy.

he walks over to his dresser and sprays his new cologne on and then walks down stairs, while i stay upstairs and finish up my hair.

as im almost done, i felt my throat start to get scratchy, as my nose start to itch.

i then sneezed really loud and fell backwards.

i heard footsteps run up the stairs and through my bedroom door.

i look up to notice jonah kneeled down in front of me asking i was okay. i nod my head and put my hands out wanting jonah to carry my downstairs.

as he picks me up, i wrap my legs around his torso, and bury my head into his shirt. i then felt another sneeze come, and lifted my head to sneeze again.

as we make it downstairs he places me on a stool in the kitchen while our managers wife is cooking some breakfast.

i sit down and bury my head into my hands trying to hold in another sneeze, not wanting to be annoying. i then hear the sound of a plate being sat in front of me so i glance up and eye the food, not really wanting it.

"im not hungry" i say pushing the plate away and getting up and walking out of the kitchen as another sneeze came. i felt hands wrap around my waist and i mentally groan.

"babes are you okay" i nod my head and sneezed again, but this time my throat felt more scratchy, like there was paper sand in the bottom of it.

as we where leaving for the interview i looked in the mirror to see a red rash starting to appear on my cheek. i lift my hand up and gently rub it, was it started to spread more.

i decided to just ignore it and move on with my life.

as we where in the car i glanced down at my arm and saw another rash forming, but this one was itching so i started to itch it.

i felt jonahs big hands grab my hand and interlock them together, probably so id stop itching them.

but i needed to. it hurt so bad.

i pulled my hand out of jonahs soft grasp and attacked my arm. as i scratched it i sneezed again.

everyone turned to look at me, and i just looked away.

as we pulled up to the interview place, we all got out and made our way inside. we all took our seat as jonah, zach, and daniel where placed in the back, while jack and i where placed in the front.

as the interview started asking questions, i started to cough slightly.

i was confused and angry at myself, because i definitely did not have a temperature, and everyone probably just thought i was putting this on as an act.

the rash on my arm and cheek both started to bother me, but i didn't wanna look like a freak while i was itching it.

the interview looked towards me, and said something but i was to busy thinking about my throat and how bad it felt to breath.




i then suddenly felt my throat close up and i couldn't get anything in.

as then felt jonah pick me up and take up in his arms as my face was buried into his chest.

i felt my breath get more worse as jonah was holding me, so i squirmed out of his hold.

everytime jonah got close my breathing would get harder and harder for me so i easily pushed him away everytime.

i then felt something get placed on my face, which im guessing was a breathing mask. and i felt myself being lifted onto a stretcher and being taken aways in an ambulance without anyone by my side.

a couple hours later i woke up in the hospital with a breathing mask on my face, and some wrapping around my arm, where the rash was.

i groan as i felt the light hit my eyes, and a doctor take my temperature.

"w-w-what happened" i say glancing at the boy who where sitting in the hospital chairs in my room. as i glanced at jonah his head was down towards the floor as tears fell down his face, and collected onto the floor.

daniel finally spoke and said "you had a allergic reaction to jonahs cologne, and almost died" i then fleet my jaw drop, finally realizing why jonah was crying.

"come here" i say pointing to jonah as he got up and walked over to me.

as he made his way over he broke down into broken sobs that made my heart retch.

"baby, its fine" i say gliding my thumb across his tear stained cheeks.

"n-n-no it's not. i almost lost you, it was my fault corbyn, im so sorry" he said as he fell into my arms for some sort of comfort.

i then pulled him up so he was laying on my chest crying.

"it's okay jo, it really is" he looked at me through his teary eyes and smiles up at me. he scoots his way up so his face is hovering over top of mine. "i love you" he says while wiping his own tears away.

i smile up at him and say i love you back.

he then leans down and kisses my on the lips.

the kiss lasted about 20 seconds before we pulled away for air.

i then realized jonah was on top of me, when im supposed to cuddled up to him.

i flip us over so im now laying on his chest.

he whisper's a small i love you so much in my ear before i snored my way to sleep.

{2020 is gonna finna be the same i alrdy kno}

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