panic attack🅿️

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Corbyns POV

Everyone always told me that panicking always makes everything 20 times worse than the actual real thing. Doesn't make since thought, I feel like panicking makes me feel more alert. It gets everyone's attention when your stressed or something.

The boys and I where on our way to our pop up shop for out new hit single what am I, in New York City. While we arrived thier where fans everywhere which kinda made me just a little over whelmed.

Before we went inside we took some pictures with fans outside the venue who couldn't make it in because they didnt have tickets. While I was meeting with some the fans girls I came across this fan with her dad, so I walked over to her made some conversation with her, then when we where done I decided I'd hug her.

Because what girl wouldn't want a hug from thier idol? After her and I where done hugging her dad went all freak on me "what the fuck, don't hug nor touch my daughter again." I looked at him with total disbelief. "Dad chill he's my favorite human being ever, stop being a bitch." She then looked at me and said "I'm sorry about him he's protective" I said nothing and was about to walk away.

When he dad grabbed my wrist super fucking hard and squeezed it, "touch my daughter again, i end you" after he let go i saw a bruise was forming so i gently placed me hand around my wrist and rubbed it. Lets just say it hurt.

I then looked around to find the other guys by the door almost ready to go in to meet the fans indoor. I walked over to them and joined them when i completely got shoved to the ground by some random ass person, turns out it was that dad from earlier.

"Oops im sorry didn't see you there, i was just tryna get inside" he said smirking at me. "Im sorry" the daughter said while her dad was dragging her inside. I stand up to find out my head was bleeding just great I thought to myself. "Come on let's go get you cleaned up" jack said helping me up and taking me inside to our makeup artist.

After everything was down we went back out to where we would be performing our new song what am i. We all took are places, my beside Jonah then Daniel, Jack and Zach.

I meant her on a Monday evening she was standing outside of the park in' ride.

I started singing when i saw the same dad from earlier looking at me and smirking. He kept telling stuff at me but i couldn't quit catch them because i was singing. Im guessing it wasn't good stuff because the boys kept glaring at him.

And I said "hey ma' where you been? been looking for a woman like you for all my life'

As I was still singing he kept yelling negative stuff i could tell.

And she said "hola talk to me before I have to leave, and one day we could be, maybe more than two lost souls just passing by.

Then Jonah sang.

Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes, she said "i know you are but what am i?

Thats when Daniel and I started to both sing, but while i was singing someone threw a note at me, but I didn't have time to open it because i was singing.

Tell me, have you seen the sunset turn into a sunrise, kiss right thru the night' cause we should try that sometime

Hold ya till the morning and if i said im falling when you just reply "I know you are, but what am i?"

I opened the note and started panicking, all I wanted to do was cry.

Dear Besson, since you touched my daughter but hugging her, revenge will be upon you.

I knew exactly who the note was from when I looked up to seem where he was he was gone. That's when my heart started racing, sweat was building up on my forehead, and my breathing was getting very hard.

I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder, by next thing I knew i was sobbing and falling backwards.

Jonahs POV

While Zach was singing his part I saw corbyn started acting very antsy, then I saw that his breathing started acting up. When I went to put a hand on his shoulder he completely fell backwards in his chair not giving on single clue about life.

I quickly got up and ran over to him, when I arrived to him he had his hand over to his chest "i-i-i cant breath jo" is all he could get out. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the back room and layed him on the couch and layed beside him

Corbyn, it's okay, im right here, just breath bud, follow my heart beat. I said while putting his hand on my heart. "I can't" he cried out. Corbyn look at me. I said lifting his chin. Your okay, i love you I got you, your safe bud, just breath.

"Hey Corbyn it's jack, can you breath for me" "Yeah Corbyn can you breath for us" Daniel asked calmly. After that Corbyns breathing started to calm down a little more, but the sobs where still coming out. "what triggered this bud" Zach asked wondering the same thing we all where.

"The girls dad, h-h-he kept saying stuff, he was so m-m-mean Jo" he said crying harder. "Bud whatever he said it's not true" "he gave me this bruise when he grabbed me" "he grabbed you" he only replied with "mhm"

"Guys I'm fine now" he said sitting up.

"I love you guys, thank you for the help" we all pulled him into a group hug. After that we all went back out and saw security taking the dad out that hurt corbyn, physically and emotionally.

We all continued to finish our song what am i. After we meant and talked to fans who really enjoyed meeting us.

The night ended well.

{follow my instagram @kilie_dotson. }

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