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Noen never thought about how much one's absence was meaningless. The world doesn't care if you woke up this morning, if you are well, or if you're even breathing perhaps. It was an eerie feeling that Noen felt for the past 3 days since he hasn't seen Chase at all. Not one trace of him anywhere.

No one was looking for him nor cared enough to ask about him. Teachers didn't even notice that his desk was empty. Noen searched in cafeteria but he did not see him with his friends. His girlfriend looked perfectly fine without him which was scariest part. He tried to pay attention to his friends' conversation but it appeared to him that Cynthia and Anthony were holding hands under the table.

"Dude you been out of it lately" Kevin acknowledged his friend's distance from them. Noen had barely talked to them, no more face time calls at night. Noen shook his head, seeing his friends glaring at him. "Sorry guys but have you seen Chase?" His voice was full of worry. Noen couldn't stop thinking about him, he wanted to know that Chase was okay.

His eyes kept shifting around, hoping to see the taller boy come in. "No why do you care?" kevin asked annoyed. "Yeah why do you care? He's an asshole whatever he is he's better off dead there" Avani added her own thought into it. "Why would you say that?" Noen's eyes became narrow. He didn't like Chase but he didn't think wishing death on someone was pleasant at all.

He hated how people thought he was a monster. He didn't know when to stop but everyone has something pure in them. Noen believed in that. "He bullies you and you're worrying about him" Kevin slightly raised his voice. Kevin wasn't sure why his friend would show any type of empathy towards Chase. The guy did not deserve that. The irony is that Chase never showed Noen empathy at all.

"Noen-" Avani started but she was interrupted. "You guys don't understand at all you guys are being jerks what if something happened" The blonde haired boy implied. They didn't understand him and Chase. Avani was fed up of this New Noen Eubanks. She just wanted to slap some sense into this boy's head.

She stood up from the table, "Me and Kevin are just looking out for you because we love you but you don't care enough to listen, don't come crying to us when the dickhead hurts you" Avani left the table. Kevin frowned at Noen and mouthed, "I'm sorry" before joining Avani at a separate table. He decided to leave the cafeteria all together because he needed some fresh air.

He wondered around the hallways, eyes landing on Griffin who was getting things from his locker. Noen speeded to him. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. "Where is he? Chase I mean" He addressed the situation with a hostile tone. Noen was pissed because no one cared other than him. How was everyone just moving so normally that their friend isn't here?

Griffin turned his head and went back to looking through his locker. He sighed, "I don't know.. no one really knows where he goes.. Chase always been like this.. he just disappears and comes back whenever he feels like it". Noen raised his eyebrow in confusion, "What do you mean by whenever he feels like it? He's been missing for 72 hours and no one thought maybe he could be hurt?".

"Dude I know he worries me too but that's just Chase being Chase" Griffin expressed his friend's actions. The blonde haired boy could tell he was did care more than the rest of his friends did from the look in his eyes. "Is there anywhere he would go?" Noen was ready to ditch school and become an FBI agent.

Griffin closed his locker and placed a finger on his chin while he thought. "Chase likes isolated places" He informed Noen. He quickly thanked Griffin for giving him a tip. He headed out the school building, climbing on his bike. Not caring at if he was missing periods, he needed to make sure Hudson was safe.

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