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Chase knew he was going to get in some big trouble this week. He hasn't been attending classes all the way through. He couldn't help it though. There was something, an urge, for him to ditch. Cynthia would sometimes ditch with him for support but she's needs to keep her A student image.

It was Friday, he felt like the week went by fast but it was just because he was barely there. He was currently smoking a cigarette in the school parking lot, laying on the rooftop of his car. Chase blew out the smoke out of his mouth and thought about how pretty the sky was. It was calming scenery for him. Not long, he heard the school's bell rung from the outside.

He sat up and came down to leaned against his car, seeing a groups of students dismissing out the school. Chase stomp on his cigarette, not wanting Cynthia complaining that he was addicted to nicotine. He seen Payton, at the school entrance, talking to Avani, still trying to shoot his shot. Chase chuckled a little at the sight because there was no way he was going to get her, despite trying way too hard.

He hasn't seen Griffin, he assumed he was doing extra curriculums to look good on his resume when he leaves for college. He waited a couple minutes till he seen Cynthia smiling as he approached his car. She tiptoe (he was lanky) to give Chase, gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "Baby i'm going go hang out with Anthony if that's okay since he has extra tickets to a concert" she told him.

Chase kinda looked at her weirdly because the only time they hung out is when he was around. It's not like he didn't trust his best friend, he didn't like the thought of something could happen. The brown haired boy did not let his feelings show as usual. "That's fine babe.. I have to do project so it's cool" He said im slightly annoyed voice. He smiled to play off but it didn't work.

"You're sure you're not mad?" He nodded and intertwined their hands into each other's. "Babe I swear I'm going to see you tomorrow anyways have fun I love you" he passionately kissed her forehead. After, they gave each other a peck on the lips before she told him goodbye. Chase watched her run towards Anthony. They did a little hug before Anthony waved to Chase.

The brown haired boy flashed a fake smile towards his best friend as he waved back. He seen the two walking away from school grounds. Chase felt this jealousy running through course of his veins. He gripped his fist but quickly lost track of thought until he seen Noen walking towards him. "You ready?" He asked the blonde haired boy who just rolled his eyes.

He took his keys from his pocket and hopped into the driver seat. He put the keys in the ignition as Noen hopped into the passenger seat, placing his bag between his legs. Chase kissed his teeth and started moving out the school's parking lot. He passed by Noen's friends who was giving him dirty looks as he driving out.

Once they got on the freeway, Chase asked, "Why did your friends look at me like that?". Noen stared at his phone as he said, "you do realizes that no one likes you right?". Chase couldn't help feel kinda hurt by that. I mean, he knew he was fucking ass at "times" but he was nice if you were on his good side. At least he thought. "Um.. my girlfriend likes me.... and my friends so I don't know what's the problem " He tried to justify himself.

Noen just made a "uhmmmmmm" sound, not caring about the conversation. "Stop ignoring me" He told Noen who just disregarded him more. They stopped at a red light. Noen kept texting on his phone but soon turned his attention to Chase when he felt a hand on his thigh. "Why is your hand on my thigh?" The blonde haired boy question. Noen was so confused, he didn't understand Chase. "I can't touch you?" The tall boy replied.

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