Chapter 3

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I turn away from his gaze. I couldn't believe he was looking at me. "What was that all about?" Eliza asked confused. She didn't know what went down with Erick just two people knew and those were Marian and Milly.

"He probably thought I was someone he knew" I lied. Hopefully she believes it. She was about to say something until the teacher interrupted. I been saved by the teacher. "Everyone write down an essay about what you did this summer" .

All my classes went by quickly, so far I made no new friends but who cares as long I have my bestfriends I'm fine. It was time for lunch, my favorite period of all time.I went to my locker and put up my books up for the period then headed towards the Lunchroom.

I waited outside by the cafeteria door for Milly and Marian, so we can find a table to sit at. While I was standing, I heard a loud bang. I look up and saw Erick and some girl with light blue hair making out against the lockers next to his friends. The view gave me a pinch of jealousy in me. He had both hands on her ass and she had her arms wrap around his neck.

She very pretty, Tan skin with body like hourglass. I can't compare with my pale skin and an okay body too..

Erick friends didn't seem to mind about what was going on. That's disturbing, who make outs in the middle of the hallways. Have some dignity and do it somewhere where no one can see.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Jade are you finish looking at Erick, I'm starving out here" Milly said with a smirk. When did she got here?
"How long were you standing there?" I asked her. "Like around four minutes, Marian was here too but she got tired of waiting for you so she went ahead and look for are table to sit." She told me.

I turn my head a little to look back one more time and they weren't there anymore. "Come on Jade, let's eat already" Milly pulled my hand and we entered the cafeteria.

As soon as we entered I was hit by how noisy it is, gosh it was also very full. There was many students were in line waiting for food to be serve while the others where at the table with friends, and some are just walking around. I don't even know if Marian could find us table to sit at this rate.

We scan the cafeteria until we spotted her. She was sitting at a table that's dead center of the cafeteria. How did she manage to do it ? I don't even want to know. "How did she find us a table like that, it's miracle if the table was empty" I told Milly. She just laughed and shrugged.

We walked up to Marian and sat in front of her. "So guys guess what happen I met this hottest guy ever, he had brown hair and very light green eyes." Marian gushes about the guy. "Well did anything happen between y'all" I ask her. "No you know I'm too shy to actually talk to guy. Guys think I'm weird as fuck." She sighs.
"Bitch your not weird you just don't socialize with the male category that much." Milly told her while she was just munching on Doritos chips. "I agree with her Marian, it takes time but I know if you talk to him, he'll end up liking you" I told her sternly. Seriously Marian is beautiful and has a very kind personality and if I were gay I would of made her mine already.

We all talk through the whole lunch period, and soon as you know it was end of the school day already.

"MOM I'M HOMEEE!" I shouted while I was opening the front door. I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. "How was your first day sweetie"? She asks me me. Honestly it was sooo dreadful and nothing really happened unless you count Erick making out in the hallways, skipping class, oh and my favorite part he is in my English class. "Oh it was okay nothing interesting" I lied.

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