Chapter 12

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He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. I could feel his body heat, his breathe started to fasten. He tilt his head and leaned towards my ear.

"Don't worry about me talking to other girls, worry on how I'll fuck them while I'm with you. You see Jade, I don't want a girlfriend. I want a bitch who full fills my needs. That's what I like, not girls who like to cuddle, watch movies or go on dates. Because I don't do girlfriends!. He whispered harshly.

My eyes widen at his words, how can he be so cruel. He shattered my heart and I don't think I can handle this much pain. It's like his words cut me more than anything I ever been through.

I pushed him hard, he stumbled a bit but he hold his guard. He can't treat me like this no matter how much I like him. He can do this to other girls but not me I don't play these little back and forth games.

I could feel my eyes watering, and my face is red from embarrassment.

"Why would you say that to me? What did I ever do to you that caused you to act like this way towards me?" I cried in desperation. He looks at me with cold expression.

"I just thought maybe we were together after we.. you.. you know! But I guess I thought wrong again."I spat. He can't just keep doing this to me in middle he was rude as hell to me and I will not repeat history again.

"We aren't even fucking together! Your delusional Jade. I don't got time for the bullshit of yours." He glared at me and walked back to the crowd of students.

I can't comprehend why he acting like this, nice the first time then angry the second time. It's like he bipolar, and I don't understand why he just acts this way towards me.

I walk back to the field to find Emilio, atleast I know he wouldn't cause problems and drives me crazy.

I see the body of students already interacting with each other. I look around and I spot Emilio, he talking to the coach while sitting on the bench.

"Hey! Sorry about being late, I was at the bathroom, but I'm here now." I said while I approached them. The coach just look my way and nodded.

"Next time your late, I'm telling your teacher about this. Now hurry up, you have like ten minutes left anyways." And with that he picked up his clipped board and walks into the mixture of students.

"So it's just you and me now, huh" I heard Emilio speak. I look at him and smiled.

"Well it seems like it. So let's get right into theses questions real quick before the time runs out on us." I tell him and he nods. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and I go to the voice memo app so I can record the answers Emilio tells me. I already saved the questions I was going to tell him so i wouldn't be stuttering and thinking on what to say to him.

"Okay so first question, why football? You could of chosen any sports to choose.. so why did you chose this as your sport?" I ask him.

"Well first of all I love to run, I love the feeling of adrenaline through my vines pumping. But also football takes balls to do you know? Many people want to play; wish they could play, but few are willing to do the work demanded to play. But the work is the journey. It is what gets you to Friday night. It is what gets you extra games in November. The work makes you worthy to learn the lessons that football can teach." He answered while I was recording his voice.

Wow ! who knew that Emilio was so passionate about this sport. I wondered what would of Erick said. He probably would of answered something about how the girls love it.

"Second question, what motivated to still play this sport? I know quite a few players that quit because it was too difficult to handle so tell me your reason for still being here?" I tell him. He chuckles and grabbed my hand while he walked me over behind the bleachers.

"Hey what are you doing? Your supposed to answer the question I ask you." I explained.

He just ignores me and pushed me slightly so my back was against it. I gasp at the slight impact, I look at him and he just smirks..

What the fuck?

He then leaned forward so his body was close to mine, I could feel my cheeks burning of nervousness. I felt his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. He lowered his head at my level of height, I could feel his breath at my neck.

"Jade..your very beautiful you know that right." He whispered huskily in my ear. My heart starts beating a little fast from the proximity we're in at the moment.

"Don't think just because your little cute ass acting a little to good for me will convince me to back off? No.. I want what I want and I want you. I still remember the date we're supposed to go to but you keep avoiding my stupid ass.. why baby? Tell me because I don't understand how the little mind of yours works." He confesses while he was slowly leaving soft kisses on my neck. I didn't know how to tell him to stop but I kind of like the feeling of him.

"Emilio.. please." I sigh, I honestly don't know why I said that but it felt good at the moment to let out.

He grabbed my waist with both his hand and pulled me to close the small space between us. My arms found their way around his the back of his neck.

"No not here, my queen. I want to take you out this Friday to somewhere I know you would of love, then we can do whatever you want . "He sucks in my skin gently. I couldn't take it no more, the closer we were the more I wanted to agree with him.

I know what your saying, Jade why are you being such a slut? Didn't you just made out Erick not too long ago? Well I can do whatever I want, if Erick; my long time crush doesn't like me, then he doesn't deserve me. Yes that's a little shallow but I think this is the best option for me to go out with Emilio. Probably that will help me get over my obsession with Erick.

"Okay lets go out on Friday then." I breathe out to him softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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