Chapter 10

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"On that note, please you make sure you copy everything on the bored, and make sure to.." I stop hearing what Mrs. Augustus has to say.

Right now I'm currently in Algebra II, learning about about who knows what. I fully can't comprehend on what the teacher is saying because my mind is somewhere else.

Should I say on someone else.

"Jade are you listening?" I hear a voice next to me call my name.

"Yea" I told Milly and she gave me are you serious look.

"What's on your mind best friend? You can always count on me, so tell me what's wrong boo". she told me sincerely, and I sigh.

I honestly don't know what to say I'm actually speechless about what happen that night with Erick and I know he won't tell anyone about what happened between us. Well hopefully he doesn't..

"I'll tell you everything and I mean everything during lunch alright, there people around us and they might here me" I whispered to her. Milly gave me a question look at first then it turn into shock expression.

"Don't tell me you have a secret boyfriend, cause if you do I'll be mad about it because you were supp-". I cut her off before she continued her ranting.

"Milly it's not that trust me okay, I'll tell you later" I whispered to her and she just rolled her eyes.

After a decade later, the bell rings for dismissal.
Hopefully I don't run into Erick during Athletic period because that's when I see him, since I have yearbook class last period which is close but not to close to each other.

I gather my things and I tell Milly I have to go to the restroom real quick and I'll see her during lunch period. She fussed to me at first and tried to convince me to her what's bothering me but she just agreed to wait till lunch.

I exit the last and walk to my locker which is upstairs so I can grab my journals for my next afternoon classes.

As I was walking towards my destination I look to the side and I start walking slow.
I see Erick and that girl.. Teya together.

Teya was smiling and giggling at something he said while he just grabbed her hips then pulled her towards him. She raked her hands all over his chest while he leaned to her and said something in her ear.

My heart clutch at the view, how could he.. I thought we were.. together. I didn't think he would treat me like this after what we done yesterday afternoon.

-Flashback to yesterday.-

"Erick I..I'm not ready yet" I tell him. He stops whatever he doing and lift his head to look at me. The look he gave me was a emotionless expression.

Oh no..

"What do you mean your not ready, you aren't a virgin or something" he tells me in a serious tone. I look at him stockily, how can he be so blunt.

"Well actually I have never done anything like this.. especially with a guy." I tell him shyly without looking at him. I can feel his eyes on me and I felt his hand touch my chin. He tilt it and I meet his dark brown eyes.

"So your telling me that I'm the first guy that touch you?" I could hear the amusement in his tone. I know he trying to embarrassed me but it won't work.

"Yes that's what I'm saying, but if your going to make fun of me I'm leaving." I tell him and I tried to move him by wiggling but he grabbed my waist to hold me still.

"Beautiful..calm down. I fucking love that I'm the only one who gets to see you like this shit.." he huskily says to me.  I blushed and I look away from him. He makes me love him even more and his deep voice always makes my legs feel weak.

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