Chapter 9

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"Isn't that a game for middle school" I laughed. I look at him like he was crazy, he can't be serious.

"No sweetheart, not the way we are going to play" He challenged. He brought the bottle towards me and set it on the table front of me. I look at him strangely, he actually serious about this game.

"Erick what the hell are we going to do with a bottle of vodka, I thought we were going to play truth or dare." I said sarcastically. He smirks at me and walk back to the kitchen. He came back and brought two small shots cup. He gave me one and sat next to me again.

"We're going to play by my rules, and there is going to be three rules that comes with it." He declared, I just nodded. I really don't want hear these rules, hopefully it's nothing sexual. Because knowing his hormonal ass, I would bet he would give a chance to see any girl naked. Wait he already sees them naked since he sleeps around. That's what the rumors I hear around school.

"Rule number one, you drink a shot each time you say truth instead of dare" he explained, wait what the hell? Is he joking?

"Wait, that's not fair you can't just expect me to just do dares." I interrupted, he knows I like to play it safe, so that's why he doing this in purpose.

"Sorry Jade, rules are rules" he smirks and I just rolled my eyes at his stupidity. I wave my hand to gesture to continue his so called "rules". He just smiled at me.

"Rule number two, if any of us don't want to do the truth or the dare we have to take a piece of clothing off." He grinned while I sigh. I knew he was going to do something involving taking off clothes.

"And lastly, rule number three is if anyone of don't want to rule number two we kiss on the lips" he explained, and with that he looks at me. I took a deep breath, oh my gosh.

He wants to kiss? He saying it like it's not a big deal. Does he not remember what happened in the elevator like two hours ago.

"What happens if you failed to do all of this" I asked him, I was honestly scare to what he was going to say.

"Well.. any of us failed to do any of the rules.. well that person lose. It's that simple." He admitted, well it's not that bad I guess. I can always back out any time.

"What does winner gets? Come on, you don't expect me play a game without an award." I smiled and he laughs lowly. Gosh that laugh always gets to me all the time.

"Fine, um winners gets loser to buy them lunch for the whole week of school." He announced, well I guess that's okay with me.

"Fine, but just prepare to lose because I don't back down from shit" I stated. He looks at me with amusement.

"Alright baby, don't get cocky now let's see who the real winner after this game." He grinned and I just rolled my eyes. My heart tighten at what he said, gosh I know this crush won't go away.

He grabbed the bottle and twist the top open. He pours the drink to both of our cups, I'm honestly nervous about this. How am I suppose to tell him I don't drink alcohol, damn.

"Um Erick.. there a tiny problem" I revealed shyly. He looks at me with unknown expression.

"You don't drink, right?" He mocks and my eyes widen. Where did the hostility came from, he was fine just five seconds ago. Bipolar much?

"How would you know? Last time I check you don't know shit about me!" I scolded at him while he rolled his eyes.

"I was just saying, don't be a prude. If your not going to be able to drink why play the fucking game then!" He growled at me, He has no reason to be angry at me, like It's not my fault I don't drink.

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