♡just a little bit of your heart♡

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Ariana's POV

🌞🌞🌞one week later🌞🌞🌞

Shine. The sun was shining, I thought as I woke from a deep slumber. Rubbing my eyes I slowly crept out from my bed. Walking over to my closet to pick out a outfit for the day. Since today I'm going to the studio because of my new album that will come out in maybe this month or the next I have to record the songs but the problem is that I need to finish one song and I don't know what to write about. I picked out a white tank laced crop top and some leggings and a normal but cozy oversized gray jacket. And I put my white Keds on and some purplish heart ear rings. I went into my jewelry box and took out one of my favorite necklaces and put that on. I graved my dolce and Gabbana perfume and sprinkle/sprints it on my neck,writs,body,and weirdly my head (force of habit). I went into my bathroom and put my hair in two high ponytails and braided one section and twirled them into two mini baby buns. My makeup: eyeliner,brown eye shadow, mascara,blush,bronzer,and soft pink lipstick. I waked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone. The FRIST thing I did was check my Twitter and Instagram, looking and "stalking" people's twitters. After that I went down stairs ( my room is on the 2nd out of 3 floors of my house) walking into my kitchen, my dogs, Coco,Chanel,Lax we're going wild. I let them loose and they went running to there food and water. I laughed at Coco because he splashed Chanel with his water. I grabbed a circular plate and made myself some oatmeal and ate my breakfast. By the time I finished it was 10:35 AM. "Time to go" I thought to myself feeling lonely that it was only me and my dogs and this huge house. Sighing I walked out, putting the pups back outside and grabbing my phone,purse,and Car keys. Walking outside again and driving to the studio.

🚗🚗🚗skipping car ride🚗🚗🚗🚗

I finally got to the studio , Mike and Dave my song writers/helpers were there when I got in. "Good morning, Ariana" Mike and Dave said in sync. I smiled and giggled and said "good morning,you too". "So what are we going to do today" I said enthusiastically. "Well my dear Ariana, we have to get the last song done, and we have to get you to record the songs" I sighed "0k". I walked into the box studio, put the headphones on and started recording the tract.

🎤🎤🎤🎤skipping recording🎤🎤🎤

Unknown POV

Harry walked into Republic records meeting with Scooter and other important people. He walked in the wrong room but it either was fate or destiny but in that room Dave,Mike and Ariana. Ariana didn't notice but Mike and Dave did and talked to Harry and made and asked Harry if he wanted to write a song for Ariana. He being the nicest person in the world agreed immediately. He and Dave went into another room, and started writing "just a little bit of your heart ".


I don't ever ask you were you've been and I don't feel the need to know who

Your with, I can't even think straight

But I can tell that you were just with

Her, and I still be a fool,I'm a fool for you, just a little bit of your heart, just a

Little bit of your heart is all I want, just a little bit of your heart,just a little bit is all I'm asking for, I don't ever tell you how I really feel cause I can't find the words to say what I mean, nothing's ever easy, that's what they say, I know I'm not your only but I still be a fool, im a fool for you, just a little bit of your heart,just a little bit of your heart is all I want , just a little bit is all I'm asking for. I know I'm not your only but at least I'm one , I heard a little love is better than none , ooh babe...

Just a little bit is all I want....

Just a little bit my baby,just a little bit is all I'm asking for.....♡

Tears. Tears were rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall. The song was incredibly beautiful. I was astonished how Harry and Dave could create such a beautiful song in what 2-3 hrs. I wiped my tears and said " t this song is beautiful " my voice was shaking , that was all I could say, all I can say because no words could discribe how Amazayn ( haha see what I did there😂😂) " incredible, absolutely incredible Harry and Dave I'm speechless" Harry smiled and so did Dave. This wonderful deep raspy voice spoke music to my ears " well Mrs.Grande the song is all yours Dave and Mike here asked me if I was interested in writing a song for you and here it is " he gave me a warm genuine smile and I return it back to him. His smile. The most beautiful-est smile I've ever seen in my entire life. His pearling white teeth, his rosy red lips, his deep as dimples that someone can swim in, his- stop it Ariana stop it don't dream about Harry, you hardly know him for peeps sakes. I thought to myself until I noticed that I was daydreaming and I snapped out of it and when I did Harry,Mike, and Dave were talking about stuff like how this would work because he would have to be here every time I come and record it cause basically it's his song so he has the idea of how he wants it and how he wants me to sing it. So just to get it over with and it will be faster for the album to come out I cut them of what they were saying and said " why don't we just record it right now and we won't have to plan so many days." I said knowingly. Harry smiled and said " that's absolutely brilliant, how did I not think of that" " you didn't think of it because your not brilliant like me" I said playfully/flirtatiously with a smile. Once again he smiled. The rest of the time was recording, goofing off, laughing, and just being us.

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