∞Lunch with Harry and the boys∞

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Lips. Sweet lips, rosy red lips,soft as silk and red as a cherry. Smashed. Smashed against mine.

With a smile on my face I awoke from my slumber. Agh how naughty I am. Having dreams about someone that I just met yesterday. But still my mind was rushing with thoughts about what would have happened if my dreams were a reality. Slowly but steadily I got off my bed and dragged my feet to my closet. It took me some time but I finally had the perfect outfit for today. A floral white,pink,with a bow blouse, black skater skirt, black flower ear rings, Chanel perfume and one of my favorite black heels. I put my outfit on the bed, gabbed a towel, and ran into the shower.

🚿🚿🚿singing in the shower🚿🚿🚿

I got out and dried myself and put my outfit for today. I took a picture of the outfit and put it on Instagram. With the caption: ♡hearts♡. I set my phone to the side and got my breakfast from down stairs. Chanel and Lax were with my friend Alex and so I had Coco to keep me company. I feed Coco his favorite food and put water in his bowl. After that I ate oatmeal with blue berries,strawberries, and apples. Right after I finished I got a text.

H: Good morning love,would you like to join me and the boys for lunch or hang out??

A: um how is this

H: oh sorry you don't have my phone number installed in yours,sorry it's Harry

A: oh and yes I would love too

H: ok great meant me at the studio

A: ok and um how did you get my number??

H: eh that's for me to know and you to find out😛

I smiled and texted back

A: ah Styles you flirting with me?😋

H: once again me to know u to find out

A: ok okay gtg

H: ok bye

A: bye

Smiling I grabbed everything I needed to last the day and grabbed my keys and headed off to see Harry and his band mates.


"Um I'll have a salad with ranch, and everything else please but hold the chicken or any other meats" I said sweetly to the waitress. She looked about mid 20 going to early 30 but looked well for her age. After I finish she left to make our orders cause the boys already ordered. I was sitting next to Zayn and Liam and across from us were Harry,Louis and Niall. They all looked at me weirdly as if I had something on my face. I thinking something's wrong I say " what, is there something on my face" I furry my eyebrows to see what's on my face but not possible. Quickly Harry said " no no, not at all your face is fine,its beautiful actually" i raised my eyebrows in amusement of the compliment. He covered it up by saying " we were just looking at you because your eating salad and salad with no chicken?" He said more like a question. I giggled a little " oh I forgot to tell you guys I'm vegetarian " there mouths formed an "0" shape as there imagine ( Harry lol) light bulb clicked and smiled. " oh that's why" Louis said dramatically " we have a veggie ova here " I laughed and said " I have eaten meant but that was when I was younger and I stopped when I was 12 and the only other time I ate meat was on one of the episodes on victorious, my FRIST toco". They looked amused and so was I. It's been long that I've been out with a group of people, it felt right. Time went by, Liam sharing a little about himself and his girlfriend that says that I'm one of her favorite artist. Louis shared to about him and Eleanor and his family. So did all the other boys Niall specifically teaching me about Ireland and there traditions. All and all It was Amazayn.

We were all walking out and heading back to were ever. I was walking to my car and I felt someone touch my arm. I felt sparks. I turned slowly and saw that it was Harry. " um hey uh me and the boys are having a sleepover at the 1D house want to join or something " he said nervously. I don't know why but I found this cute. " yeah,yeah that would be great but wouldn't it be weird me being a girl and 5 guys" I said playfully, " oh um Perrie, Daniele, and Eleanor are coming too" he said a surely. " ok what time should I be there"

" um like about 10:00 ish maybe or later if you want"

" ok I'll be there"


" bye "

Harry said bye back and we both went our separate ways me saying bye to the other boys and leaving.

Sleep over here I come !!

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