♡sleep over♡

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Packing everything that I needed was a problem. I haven't been to a sleepover since I was a kid so I don't know what to pack. I thought for a little. I grabbed a back and filled it with things I would need. Tooth brush,tooth paste,pjs,clothes for tomorrow, a jacket, a robe, and many more. Once my bag was full with my necessities I walked down to the kitchen. A few hours before I told Alex if she could have like a little dog sleep over with mine and her dogs she loved them so she said yes and so here I am lonely as hell in my own home. But that would change in like 1 hour. It was still early to go to the "1D sleepover" if you wanted to call that. I on the other hand had some time to kill so I went on TV and saw that my new favorite show " The Vampire Diaries " I've met the cast before at the awards 1-2 weeks ago. I plopped on the couch and started watching. I don't know why but I always loved vampires and anything related to them♡.

♡♡♡♡♡1D sleepover ♡♡♡♡♡♡

" OMG" I thought to myself when I pulled up into the house. " eh more like a mansion"

To be continued......



Ok so u may notice that I writing in italics yeah I have to make another chpt like the continuation because the stupid italics won't come off so stay toned for more and I am stupid ok.

Xox xox

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