Chapter 10

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I go downstairs to see him about to pass out on the floor, Jesus this goober.

"Jack, get up, let's get to bed." I reach under his arms and pick him up, him stumbling his giggling booty up.

"Hehe..... You're a really good friend... Like really good, you're grrrreat!" He laughs as his own joke as we get in the elevator. If only I used this thing with Orange, then I would know which floor he lives on.

"Yeah, friend... Anyway, you're sleeping on the couch I hope you know." I roll my eyes as we step onto my floor. I help him into my apartment, and he works his way to the kitchen.

"Oh my GOSH. You have... GOLDFISH VANILLA CUPCAKE CRACKERS?" Oh thats right, I forgot how much he liked them. I mean, he's the one that got me into them.

"Yeah, help yourself, just don't eat all of them." I walk out of the kitchen, getting him a pillow and blanket. I walk back and see him on the couch with the bag, staring blankly at the tv.

"Do you... Want me to turn on the tv?" I chuckle, sitting down next to him, remote in hand.

"Oh yeah yeah! Please?" He suddenly gasps. "Can we watch THE OFFICE?" He grabs my arm, shaking me like a child. He continues to beg and plead.

"I'll be your best friend! With the biggest cherry on top!" He lays his head on my lap. I giggle. God he's weird.

"Fine. We can watch The Office." I turn on Netflix, turning on the office. As I'm doing that, Jack sits up straight, crisscross.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He grabs onto my arm, humming the intro.

Time flies as we watch, soon it's 2:34 AM. I look over, Jack is starting to get sleepy. I start to move to get up but he grabs me.

"Don't go... Not yet..." I look down as I get comfortable again. His eyes are still on the tv, but his grip on me is still tight. I nod, eating some of the goldfish.

"I'm sorry for crashing your night... I truly didn't mean to..." He sniffles a bit, his head slides down to my lap again. Wiping his eyes on my leg, is he...? Crying?

"It's fine, you're fine..." I whisper to him. I don't know what to do, so I just run my hands through his hair.

"It's just... She broke up with me... We've been together since we... since we..." He sniffles some more, rubbing his eyes into my leg.

"I get it... I get it..." I softly pat his head. This is getting awkward. Should I leave him to sleep? Should I stay?

"And the worst part is... She was my rock after we broke... broke up..." His voice cracks, his breath shaking. This is worse then I thought.

He stays quiet for a while, all I hear is his sniffles and an occasional chuckle because of The Office. I keep running my fingers through his hair, whenever I stop he rubs his head against my hand. I take it he likes it.

"Do you think she misses me?" He suddenly asks, looking at me through the corner of his eye.

"Well... What did you do?" What a dumb question to ask.

"We made up for the... side chick incident at the cafe. She said it wasn't for that..." He eats a few goldfish, staying quiet.

"Well, did she say anything else?" I scratch his head a little, it calms him down.

"She said..." His voice trembles again.

"What did she say?" I turn down the volume on the tv, he rolls his head so he's looking directly at me.

"She said I talked about you too much."

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