Chapter 22

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"What is so funny?" Pear is not happy, he is about to lose his cool. He might even take over this house and clean it.

"Well, uh, I'm not really allowed to say what the smell is." Sonic scratches his neck, laughing nervously. Am I supposed to say it? I feel like with what this story is, you can guess what the smell is. And with the majority of the readers being 18 and older, you guys should for sure know what this smell is.

"Well, if this house has some sort of mold or bacteria, then I am out of here!" Pear starts making his way out of the house, I grab onto his little arm I guess and pull him back inside.

"Nope, you are staying. And uh, Sonic can't say what the smell is because..." I lean in and whisper what the scent is, seriously though, you all should know what this scent is leading up to.

"OH NO. NO NO NO, NO WAY." Pear goes to make his escape again, Sonic pulls him back in again, this time Pear trips on something and lands in Sonic's arms. Pear's face is flushed, he doesn't fight this embrace; he pulls in closer to Sonic. But then he smells Sonic and quickly backs up. "You... you uh... you smoke-"

"Okay! Is anyone here hungry because I sure am!" I try to change the topic before Pear makes this story 13+. But, to be fair, there are a lot of innuendos in this story. Wouldn't have mattered I guess.

As we make our way to Sonic's kitchen, we get a nice view of Sonic's living room. He has lots of um, odd shaped glass vases. Pear is about to pick one up before Sonic urges him to put it down. Sonic's house was well kept on the inside to match the outside. As we go into his kitchen, someone comes running into the house; surprisingly not Kara yet.

"SONIC!" It's a girl, but I don't recognize it. I didn't know Sonic had roommates, but it would explain why he has so many um, vases, just lying around. "Sonic! Knuckles is threatening me again!" She stops into the kitchen, just standing there.

We turn around and see a pink hedgehog; Pear is in disbelief that more than one Sonic character exists.

"Oh! Guys, this is Amy," She waves at us, "And Amy, this is (Y/N) and Pear." Now it's our turn to smile and wave.

"Sonic, Knuckles is calling me a little bi-"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH." I slap my hand over her mouth, I just, wow. The author sure is making this hard to keep it for any audience. "You can't just say those bad words, the book is appropriate for all audiences."

"What? I was going to say that Knuckles was calling me a little bit hot headed." Amy turns to look at me, I uh, didn't expect that. She giggles to herself before leaving us alone and going back to her room.

"Well, you all met Amy. But I have to agree with Knuckles, she can be a little hot headed sometimes. Just the other day she threw a shoe at knuckles for not getting her something to eat on his way home." Sonic chuckles and looks inside his fridge, he pulls out a pitcher of Kool-Aid. "Thirsty?"

"Actually, I think I should get going." Pear has this strange face, he isn't disgusted but, kind of flustered? "(Y/N), I'll meet you in the car." He walks out, no one behind him to stop him this time.

"Hey, since we're alone now (Y/N), can I tell you something?" Sonic pours the two of us glasses of Kool-Aid and hands me one. "The reason I reached out to you first out of everyone we went to school with is, well..." He looks down into his glass, tapping the sides to make little ripples in the drink. Why is this buffoon stalling, why can't he just spit it out already?

"Are you okay? You've been looking down for a while now." I don't want to make this hard for him, but I just wanted to stop by and say hi.

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine, it's just," He looks up at me and then back at his drink. "Well, I had only reached out to you originally because I realized I've, well," He laughs a little, looking right up at me. "I realized I've fallen for you."

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