Chapter 18

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"Wait, what does this little story have to do with you and Pear, and Orange... and Kara?" Jack pauses the flashback again, looking back at all of us.

"It was only there for filler! And y'know, the fact me, Orange, Pear, and Kara know each other!" I look at the fruit and we all nod, Jack being confused still.

"So the author wasted a whole chapter, to talk about elementary school?" They all turn my way,  but it didn't feel like they were looking me, but as if someone controlling their lives. I wonder who.

"The point is, Orange had a crush on (Y/N), and (Y/N) had a crush on them." After saying that Pear winks at me, basically saving my life.


"I'm sorry what Orange?" Pear turns to Orange, Orange jumping up and down on the counter.

"Yeah, what did you say you little tangerine man?" Jack walks up to him, cracking his knuckles.

"Would you all calm down!" A strange voice comes from the living room, somehow we couldn't see them before.

"Kara?" Pear walks past Jack to see them more clearly.

"The one and only! Now listen up you guys, I don't think you guys have noticed this yet, but the author doesn't take kindly to this much dialogue." I nod my head in agreement... For some reason. "But it's clear, and thankfully Orange made his statement already, but (Y/N) likes Orange still! And it would be for everybody's best interest if we skip ahead to the part where Orange and (Y/N) are aloone." Kara starts to shove everyone into my room except me and Orange. Shoot. Once everyone is in my room, she winks at me and closes the door, leaving Orange and I alone in the kitchen.

"So... Orange..." My legs start shaking, I try to grab onto the counter but instead I feel something very strange.

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHY DID YOU GRAB MY FACE HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA YOU ARE SO WEIRD." I quickly let go of him, but with doing so I fall onto the ground

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA YOU KEEP FALLING AROUND ME! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA STOP FALLING!!!" Orange lends me a hand, but when I'm about to stand back up, he drops me again.

"OW!" I look up to see Orange laughing his peel off.

"LIKE I WOULD HELP MY CRUSH OFF THE FLOOR!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!!!!" He walks away laughing, but why wouldn't you help your crush off the floor?

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