Chapter 21

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"I'm sorry, we are visiting Sonic? As in the hedgehog?" Pear seemed to be the only sane one in the car at the moment, but to be fair he can only be as sane as a fruit can be.

"Did I McFrickin' stutter Pear? Yes, we're going to Sonic the Hedgehog's house, is there anything wrong with that?" I turn my head towards Pear, his eyebrows scrunched, and his mouth open; although I'm not sure if it's out of disbelief or utter shock.

"Okay, don't get me wrong (Y/N), I'm all for meeting your friends. Buuut I kind of have a life of my own, and Sonic? Last time I checked; doesn't exist." Pear glances at Kara before adjusting in his seat. "Kara, why must you feed (Y/N)'s imagination? You even guessed Sonic! You didn't need to do any of this!"

"Well pardon me! I just wanna visit our good ol' friend Sonic! It's been far too long since we've seen him, probably since fifth grade." Kara crosses their arms while thinking, reminiscing on the past we shared with Sonic.

It's silent in the car, well, besides Pear's heavy breathing. No music, no talking, no one wanted to be the first one to start the conversation. All that could be heard was the blinker and Pear's coughs.

"So, Kara, you just aren't going to tell the story you have with Orange in fifth grade?" Pear turned back to see Kara fast asleep, their head leaning onto the window. "Well, (Y/N), you do realize Sonic isn't real, right?"

"No, Sonic is real. He's been my friend since the fifth grade; just like Kara. He wasn't around a lot, and we just recently got back in touch. But he is a great guy, you'll like him." As I say that, I pull up into someone's driveway.

The house looks well kept, there's some couches on the front porch that looks like it's falling apart, but other than that the house looks well managed.

"No, no way am I going in there, this doesn't feel right." Pear hold onto his seatbelt (How? He has no hands). Ugh, why does he have to be such a negative Nelly.

"You're going, and I promise, if you get hurt or something happens; you can blame me," I point towards the house and gesture to the rest of the block. "Do you really think this neighborhood is that bad? He lives next to two people with a pride flag in front of their house!" I lean over to Pear and unbuckle himself.

I think I should just leave Kara in the car for now, they'll come in when they're ready. Okay, maybe that's not the best decision, but whatever.

"Listen, I just don't think I want to go inside of this house. It gives me the jeebies." Pear reluctantly gets out of the car and makes his way to meet me by the door. Hopefully it's fine that I'm making a quick stop by Sonic's house, I never actually told him we're coming over. But it is Sonic, he is a people person.

I knock on the door three times, as I look over at Pear he seems to be on edge. Why can't he just loosen up a little and accept the fact that we are visiting Sonic! Someone cracks open the door.

"Who's there?" They ask in a whisper, "Do you have the code?"

The code? OH!

"Exempt knowledge, frown ambiguity." I whisper back to the door, after that the door swings open. There he stands, a 3'8" blue little hedgehog.

"(Y/N)! Great to see you again, seems like you still remember our little code." Sonic stands there smiling, we hug, but that's when he notices Pear. "Who's the little green booger?"

"My name is Pear, and I am, well, a pear." They shake 'hands' (I still don't know what to do about Pear's hands) and Sonic shows us inside his house.

"It's really great seeing you again (Y/N)! I've been wanting to get back in touch with all the other kids from school-"

"-I hate to interrupt, but why exactly does your house smell so... So bad?" Pear plugs his nose, I hadn't thought of the smell but when Pear mentions it I can't help but think 'Oh poop'.

"What, you don't like the smell?" Sonic turns around to face Pear, when Sonic remembers what the scent is coming from a smile sweeps his face. Oh poop. "Pear, describe the smell, what does it smell like to you?"

"Well, over all just bad,"  I want to intervene, I want Pear to finally realize what it was, but then again I don't even think he knows what it is anyway. "It just kinda smells like a skunk sprayed it's weird juices over this entire house." 

Maybe I'm a little glad that Sonic was the one to start laughing first.

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