Introductions-Part 2

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Nagisa was still in shock from the demon in the heptagram.

I thought you drew pentagrams to summon demons. Not this shape. What even is it?

As Nagisa was having a minor melt down, the demon gazed around the room. He noticed that it was rather bare and that it was nothing like his room. White walls with tan colored curtains and the bed brought different hues of blues. It seemed to have a beach theme to the room.

The demon brought his attention back to the boy? The demon took note that the boy see confused. In all honesty, he was too. The demon had only really paid attention to a few people, but even then it wasn't like this.

The demon saw the short feminine human with blue hair. The human seemed very stressed and awkward. That really caught the demon's attention were those eyes. They had so much blue to them, he was even sure that they had blues that he had never seen before.

"So, human, what deal have you come to make?" the demon asked again. He made sure to give some authority to his voice.

Nagisa finally acknowledge the demon, who Nagisa had to admit, he looked good. The demon looked nothing like in the textbooks or anything he had seen. In the textbooks they barely mentioned that they could look slightly humanoid. He guessed to make them seem less worthy or even that they capable of having thoughts and feelings.

"Uhmm, hello," Nagisa said.

The demon almost lost it, he that the poor boy had summoned him because he didn't believe or was dared too. The fragile figure in front of him was insure of himself, if he didn't find amusing he would have pitied the human.

"I do have a question before I eat your soul, are you a girl or?" The demon questioned. He was still curtain though, he knew that humans only came in two sexes, usually.

Nagisa no longer confused was now a little ticked.

"No, I'm a guy. My name is Nagisa Shiota," Nagisa replied.

"Well, human, I don't think you really have a deal, so if you just let me out, we can come to an agreement," the demon afforded.

Nagisa slowly got up to face the demon as best he could, which only reminded him of his height challenge. His height had always made feel underestimated, even by himself.

"I have enough knowledge to know that you could eat my entire apartment's souls," Nagisa said, "so I'm not letting you out of the summoning area."

Nagisa really screwed up this time. He knew it too.

"Really? Then why did you summon a demon to your bedroom without adult supervision? Also, you so clearly have no idea what you're doing."

He's right. I hate that he's right. The real question is how am I going to get rid of him? I don't want to do anything stupid, I could lose my soul-

"Well, I don't have anything in mind now, but you could stay with me until I make my mind. Also what is your name?"

The demon was a bit surprised at the affor, it didn't seem to bad. He could get away from his family and reek a little havoc.

The demon looked around the white, bare room before smirking. The bluenette was looking at his feet, afraid.

I could get this guy to waste his wish easy. It'll be fun, burning his heart. Heh, I might be able to get a few other souls as well.


"Before we make any permanent decisions, you can't do anything that could cause major problems and just don't do anything without my permission, please?"

Nagisa was visibly worried, he didn't want anyone to get hurt. He had no idea how he was going to explain this.


Nagisa snapped his head towards the redhead. Confusion littered his face. This only caused the demon's smirk to grow.

"The names Karma Akabane." He said as he grabbed Nagisa's hand and shook it.

I can't wait to see what fun this will begin. This human will be interesting.

I hope I didn't make a mistake. How did I even summon, Karma? Fate be sweet.


Author here, so this is going nowhere right now, but I promise there will some drama later. Bare with it please! But seriously, how did Nagisa even summon Karma unconscious? Why did it happen? See y'all later.

 Bare with it please! But seriously, how did Nagisa even summon Karma unconscious? Why did it happen? See y'all later

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This is a heptagram

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