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Nayeon: she is a robot…

It explained everything, why she doesn’t eat, why she doesn’t remember her past, why she didn’t play with the dog, and why she never smiled. She had no emotions. 

Nayeon didn’t know what to do, Jeongyeon was just laying there. She just carried Jeongyeon back to her house and plopped her on the couch. 

Nayeon: what do I do…

Jeongyeon was a robot and really injured, Nayeon doesn’t know how to fix her. She had to get someone to fix her. But who? Then a lightbulb appears as she remembers someone that can help her. But the problem is she’s too far away from Nayeon. But she didn’t know anyone else who can help with her robot friend. She sighs and puts her hand on Jeongyeon’s leg.

Nayeon: looks like I’m gonna be taking care of you now.

Nayeon hesitates but grabs her phone and dials a number on it. The person on the other side picks up the phone.

Person: hello, who is this?

Nayeon: it’s Nayeon.

Person: Nayeon! Nice to hear your voice again!

Nayeon: I need your help. You're good with technology right?

Person: yup! Do you need me to fix something?

Nayeon: yes.

Person: ok no problem just bring it over to me and i'll fix it!

Nayeon: about that...I can’t come over to you, you are gonna have to come to me.

Person: why?

Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon's lifeless body.

Nayeon: it’s way too big to bring it to you.

Person: well what do you want me to do?

Nayeon hears the person's voice get slightly annoyed.

Nayeon: can you fly to my place? Please?

Nayeon pouts even though she knows the person can't see her. The person sighs and talks again.

Person: fine but only if you will pay for my plane ticket.

Nayeon: fine. Please come as fast as you can.

She hangs up the phone and looks at Jeongyeon again.

Nayeon: I hope she can fix you, but how do I explain about you to her?

Nayeon closes her eyes and slowly drifts off on the chair beside Jeongyeon.

The next day Nayeon wakes up to someone knocking on the door. Panicing, she covers Jeongyeon with a blanket and walks up to the door.

Nayeon: who is it?

Person: it’s me!

Nayeon recognizes that voice and excitedly opens the door.

Nayeon: Mina!

They both hug each other tightly.

Nayeon: how's Japan?

Mina: it’s lonely without you.

Mina smiles and Nayeon laughs. She guides Mina to the living room, making sure she closed the door behind her. They both sit down on the chairs beside the couch.

Mina: so what do you want me to fix?

Nayeon scratches her head then quickly takes the blanket off the couch, revealing the injured robot. Mina gives a confused and worried look to Nayeon and Nayeon just awkwardly smiles while playing with her fingers.

Mina: is this a joke?

Nayeon: that's what I said at first but you gotta trust me, that girl is a robot.

Mina laughs but Nayeon’s face stays serious.

Mina sarcastically: ok~~, if she is a robot, show me what I need to fix.

Nayeon still with a serious face she turns Jeongyeon around and shows the scratched back. Mina was taken aback for a second but still believes it’s a joke.

Mina: is this joke just to get me over here? 

Nayeon: no it’s not! Trust me! I know it sounds crazy, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it but she is a robot.

Nayeon pauses before talking again.

Nayeon: I know because she said she was and a car was going to hit me but she saved me, leaving all those cuts on her back.

Mina sighs.

Mina: fine, i'll try to fix it. But if this is a prank I am so gonna kill you.

Nayeon: thank you.

Mina takes out her tools and takes a closer look at Jeongyeon’s back. She starts doing her work on fixing Jeongyeon and Nayeon watches her. Soon enough Mina does figure out that Jeongyeon is a robot.

Mina: I can’t believe this…

Nayeon: I told you.

Hours later Mina finally finishes and Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon.

Nayeon: why isn’t she waking up?

Mina: as I worked I learned about her, her battery source is this.

Mina holds Jeongyeon’s wrist, showing a smart watch. Mina presses the screen and Jeongyeon’s eyes open. Seconds later Jeongyeon sits up and her eyes wander around, then looks at Mina and Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: hello, I am Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon scans herself and then Mina.

Jeongyeon: I’ve been shut down yesterday at 7:48 pm. Thank you Mina for fixing me.

Mina and Nayeon are amazed as Mina never told her name to Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon turns to Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: Nayeon! Are you ok? Are you injured? Is your hand ok?

Jeongyeon looks around Nayeon making sure shes ok. After seeing Jeongyeon active again Nayeon tears up. Jeongyeon sees this and acts fast, hugging Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: it is a rule to hug someone who is crying.

Nayeon laughs as Mina watches, amazed and confused.

Mina: what the fu-

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