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Jackson flicks the switch and barrels starts to fall towards Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: Nayeon!

Nayeon looks up and sees the barrels falling to her. "Welp, that's it for me." She says to herself. Her eyes close and a huge bang noise echoes in the room as the barrels hit the ground.

"Am I in heaven?" She thought. She sees Jeongyeon. "Jeongyeon!" She runs to Jeongyeon but Jeongyeon stops her. "Nayeon, open your eyes you fool" Jeongyeon says while smiling. Nayeon eyes slowly open and sees herself on the floor, and in front of her was Jeongyeon, being crushed by the barrels.

Nayeon: Jeongyeon!

She runs to her and holds her hand. Jeongyeon chuckles.

Jeongyeon: looks like I saved you again, but this time it will be the last.

Jeongyeon was badly damaged, she was at the point no one can fix her. Nayeon cries harder than she has ever did in her life.

Nayeon: s-stay with me.

Jeongyeon: I can't, my system is shutting down. Only if I could have beaten Jackson up.

Nayeon holds her hand tighter, not letting go.

Jeongyeon: I wrote you a song, I'd like to sing it to you before I go.

Nayeon nods. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Jeongyeon: I called this song, Love Line.

She sings and Nayeon sways to it as her tears drench her face.

Jeongyeon: Your scent, your gesture. Even the way you call my name.You're like oh, like it. Now please know my heart my girl, oh. Together with you I wanna walk on this love line. Holding hands tightly, tell me you feel the same way. Together with you.

Jeongyeon's voice slowly gets softer and softer, her system slowly shutting down.

Jeongyeon: I'm loving, caring, loving, loving loving that love line. Love line, love line, look into my eyes and tell me. Love line, love line, don't let go of my hand my baby. Love line, love line, look into my eyes and tell me.

Jeongyeon holds both of Nayeon's hands tightly and her voice was dying.

Jeongyeon: Love line, love line, so love can color us.

Jeongyeon's eyes close and her hands let go of Nayeon's hands. Nayeon's tears drop on Jeongyeon's face and Nayeon pulls Jeongyeon to a hug.

Nayeon: that's a great song, I love you.

Jackson puts his gun up to Nayeon's head she slowly let's go of Jeongyeon.

Jackson: now time for you to die.


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