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Mina puts her hand on her forehead.

Mina: ok so let me get this straight, you got kidnapped, found her and escaped and found out that she's a robot.

Nayeon nods and Jeongyeon looks straight into Mina's eyes.

Jeongyeon: by the sudden rise of your heart beat I can tell that you are shocked. Do you need water?

Mina: no thanks.

Mina looks at Nayeon.

Mina: did you know she can do this?

Nayeon: nope, I'm still learning about her.

Mina: well Jeongyeon, can you tell us about yourself?

Jeongyeon: well the watch on my wrist is my battery source, if taken off I will shut down. There's a chip on the back of my neck too that keeps all my data.

Nayeon: ok.

Nayeon holds Mina's hand.

Nayeon: Mina, please don't tell anyone about Jeongyeon. It would mean a lot to both of us.

Mina: even if I did tell about Jeongyeon I don't think anyone would believe me.

Nayeon and Mina laugh and Jeongyeon still has a straight face. Mina sees Jeongyeon and playfully punches her in the arm.

Mina: why won't you laugh? Are my jokes not funny enough for you?

Jeongyeon shrugs.

Jeongyeon: I feel no emotions.

Nayeon walks beside Jeongyeon and puts her hand on the robot's shoulder.

Nayeon: maybe I should teach you about that.

Jeongyeon nods and Mina is silent, she didn't know what to do now.

Later in the day Nayeon and Jeongyeon go out to the park again and sit down under a tree while Mina stayed in the house.

Nayeon is looking at the landscape around them peacefully when Jeongyeon interrupts.

Jeongyeon: how do you smile, I want to learn.

Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon.

Nayeon: well people smile when they are happy, that's when the smile is genuine.

Jeongyeon: how do you be happy?

Nayeon: how about you think about something that makes you feel joy? 

Jeongyeon: hmm.

Jeongyeon pauses for a few seconds, staring at the distance then back at Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: like that time I first met you?

Nayeon covers her cheeks as she blushes and smiles. Nayeon reaches over to Jeongyeon and hugs her tightly. She wanted to kiss Jeongyeon, but knowing that she's just a robot, made a big impact on her feelings for her.

Jeongyeon let's go of Nayeon and points to some bikes in the distance.

Jeongyeon: how about we ride some bikes?

Nayeon: sounds great!

They walk over and both grab the bikes then biking along a path, Nayeon glances at Jeongyeon and sees her hair blowing against the wind. Her skin shining from the sunlight. Nayeon was amazed on how human Jeongyeon looked, and how pretty she looked too. Jeongyeon looks at Nayeon and Nayeon quickly looks away.

They reach the end of the path, showing a beach. They both sit down on the sand and watch the sun go down. Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon: this sunset is pretty.

Nayeon: yeah it is.

Jeongyeon turns to Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: but not as pretty as you.

Nayeon makes a surprised face as Jeongyeon just flirted with her. Nayeon smiles but also sees Jeongyeon crack a small smile.

Nayeon: Jeongyeon! You smiled!

Jeongyeon: I guess robots can learn how to feel also.

Nayeon hugs Jeongyeon as tight as she can, making a big smile. Without Nayeon seeing, Jeongyeon makes a wider smile and hugs her back.

The next day

Jeongyeon makes breakfast for Nayeon and Mina and they eat it joyfully as Jeongyeon cleaned the room.

Mina: I heard there's gonna be an event at the mall today. It's gonna be huge!

Nayeon: let's go! Jeongyeon do you want to come?

Jeongyeon finishes watering the plants and looks at Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: I'll always stay by your side.

They finish the food and go to the mall, where there was a ton of people partying, there was even a band playing music. Nayeon, Mina and Jeongyeon were all together. Nayeon and Mina were dancing and Jeongyeon watched them have fun. It was a great time for them just to have fun. Jeongyeon taps Mina on the shoulder.

Jeongyeon: I'm going to get some food for you two.

Mina: ok

Jeongyeon walks away from Nayeon and Mina and they continue to dance.

Mark: it's time

Jackson: I'm excited!

Mark presses a button on the computer while monitoring the party at the mall.

The crowd in the mall went crazy as the party was amazing, most people were drinking but Nayeon and Mina didn't want to drink. 

Minutes later in the distance everyone hears a booming sound. Worrying the people in the building. Later more booming sounds appeared, and one went off near the party.

Someone: bomb!

Everyone started to panic and ran out of the building, it was so crowded people were getting stomped on by other people. Everyone was trying to leave. Mina and Nayeon went to an exit but it was locked, Nayeon tried to break it open but it didn't work.

More bombs went off and the whole mall was being destroyed. Nayeon saw another exit and grabbed Mina, they were about to leave when Nayeon heard someone calling for help. Nayeon tells Mina to leave even though Mina didn't want to without Nayeon. But Mina did and Nayeon ran back into the building to help the people.

Nayeon carries a woman on her back and runs to the exit, she goes back in to help another person but then another bomb goes off, destroying the roof above her and making it fall on Nayeon. She screams in pain and a part of the rubble landed on Nayeon's legs. She tries to lift it but it was too heavy for her.

While everyone was exiting the building Mina is outside looking for Jeongyeon. Minutes later Jeongyeon runs to Mina.

Mina: Jeongyeon!

Jeongyeon: what happened?

Mina: bombs went off in the mall and Nayeon went inside to help people but she hasn't come back!

Jeongyeon: I'll go inside.

Jeongyeon runs into the mall and looks for Nayeon through the smoke and rubble. 

Nayeon lays on the floor, calling for help. Next to her her phone rings, showing it's Mina calling her. She tries to reach for her phone but it was just too far from her. Another bomb goes off and more rubble fall down. 

Nayeon: Jeongyeon please help me…I need you.

Another bomb goes off. But this time a huge piece of the building come falling on Nayeon. "This is it" Nayeon thought. "I love you, Jeongyeon".

The rubble falls on Nayeon but before it hits her, Jeongyeon is seen holding the huge piece.

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