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Nayeon enters the building and into a large, dark and empty room. On the catwalk Mark and Jackson appear from the darkness.

Mark: looks like you came.

The lights turn on in the building, showing Nayeon's parents tied to chairs and Jeongyeon with them.

Nayeon: mom! Dad!

She runs towards them but Jeongyeon pushes her to the ground.

Nayeon: Jeongyeon please, this isn't you. Snap out of it.

Jeongyeon doesn't listen and stands still.

Jackson: you can't help her anymore.

Nayeon stands up.

Mark: so, you chose your life for your parents even though they treated you like trash for all of your life.

Nayeon: I still love them no matter what.

Mark snaps and Jeongyeon walks to Nayeon and pushes her to her knees.

Mark: kill her.

Jeongyeon raises her gun and aims it at Nayeon, Nayeon sheds tears and looks down. "Goodbye everyone." She thought. Jeongyeon pulls down the trigger when another gunshot hits Mark in the shoulder making him fall to the ground.

They turn to see Mina pointing her gun.

Nayeon: Mina! I told you not to be here!

Mina: I'm not letting my best friend die!

Jackson: Jeongyeon shoot her!

Jeongyeon holds the gun to Nayeon. Nayeon looks at Jeongyeon, still crying. But she sees Jeongyeon's hand shaking. She whispers to Jeongyeon.

Nayeon: Jeongyeon are you still in there? You're strong, you can fight this. Don't let them win.

Jeongyeon's hands still shakes.

Nayeon: this isn't you, you aren't a killer. You are my girlfriend. I don't care that you are a robot, I love you for who are. You are the best person I ever met. I love you Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon hits Nayeon in the face with the gun making her fall to the ground. She kneels to Nayeon and whispers to her.

Jeongyeon: I love you too, Nayeon.

Nayeon looks up to Jeongyeon and sees her eyes are no longer red. Jeongyeon smiles at her and stands back up.

Jeongyeon turns around and shoots towards Jackson. He ducks and hides from the shots.

Mina: Jeongyeon?

Jeongyeon: get Nayeon and her parents out of here!

Mina runs to Nayeon and unites her parents. Jeongyeon is shooting at Mark and Jackson.

Mark: what happened?

Jackson: I don't know but I can't control her anymore.

Mina and Nayeon's parents run out the building and Nayeon comes to Jeongyeon with a gun.

Nayeon: I'll help.

Jeongyeon: no you'll get hurt.

Nayeon: they caused me to much pain, I want my revenge.

They both shoot towards Jackson and Mark.

Mark: Jeongyeon you are my creation! And you dare to go against me?

Jeongyeon: you may have created me but Nayeon made me who I am today.

Mark: I made you! And that means I can destroy you!

Mark stands up and shoots towards them. Both Jeongyeon and Nayeon hide behind a wall.

Nayeon: what now?

Jeongyeon: we have to kill them.

They run towards Mark and shoot him. A bullet hits Mark in the chest and he starts to die.

Jackson: Mark!

Mark: don't care about me. Flick the switch.

Jackson turns around and does so. A latch is released and barrels start to fall from the ceiling. They fall to Nayeon.

Jeongyeon: Nayeon!

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