Chapter 2

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As I walked back home my mind thought about Sherie. She is one beautiful woman. And she is so successful. I'm glad I got into that argument and had to take that walk.

I was dreading to go back inside. I already know that Anastasia is gonna be on that shit. And me personally I don't want to hear it. I walked back in and closed the door.

I walked in the kitchen to get me a bottle of water. And low and behold Anastasia was in the kitchen cooking lunch. She gave me this crazy look.

I grabbed my water and tried to ease out the kitchen without any arguments. But of coarse that didn't happen.

"And where the hell you been Jac?" She said with a attitude.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking like I didn't hear her.

"You hear me talking to you. Don't do that shit. You always ignoring me. That's our issue now. We don't communicate like we should."

Grabbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and his index finger.

"Anastasia don't start please. That's why I left for a walk in the first place. You always bickering over little ass shit. And frankly I'm not in the mood for your shit."

"See what I mean? You don't give me no time anymore."

"And why should I huh? I pay all the bills, cater to everyone of your fucking needs and you still complain and bicker. What more do you fucking want from me huh? WHAT?" He said raising his voice.

Anastasia got quiet. All you heard was the cutting board as she was chopping. Then a few seconds later you heard her sniffling. Jacques turned and looked at her.

"Here you go with this shit. Why you got to be doing all this crying for? You ain't no baby. You started this shit. And now you can't take it? Please." He said turning on the television.

Anastasia put the food on and walked in the living room. She sat in the chair in front of him and crossed her arms.

"Man move out my way. I'm trying to watch tv." He said trying to see past her.

"No. I'm not moving until you talk to me."

"I'm not gonna tell you again girl. Move!" He yelled.

Anastasia stayed there and held her ground. Jacques sighed and turned off the tv and threw the remote on the sofa next to him."

"Fine! What do you want?"

"What is happening to us baby? We use to be more closer than this. What did I do Jac?" She asked as tears fell down her cheeks.

Jacques was really tired of going through this with her. He sighed again before he started talking.

"Anastasia. You keep up too much for me. All you do is complain. You haven't styled anyone in a minute so you just home getting on my fucking nerves. I do everything for you. There is no need for all the bickering and arguing that you do. I'm more than a man to you. And you still find ways to get under my fucking skin."

"What you want me to do? I can change. Just tell me what you want me to do. I'll do anything. Please Jac. Just tell me." She pleaded.

"You know what you can do for me? I mean like right now."

"What? Tell me I'll do it."

"Get your ass from in front of the tv so I can watch the game. I'm tired of talking. Go finish cooking and I'll talk to you about this later."

Anastasia sat there for a second and just got up. She walked in the kitchen and finished cooking. She sat the table and called him to eat. Jacques got up and went to the table.

They said grace and started eating. Jacques wasn't saying anything. He just ate in silence. He forgot he told Sherie he would text her. So he picked up his phone and texted her.

Hey. This is Jacques. It slipped my mind about calling you. So I'm texting you. Save me in your phone. Hit me up.

I got you. And I will. If you got time just hit me up later. I'm kind of busy at the moment to call you. My mom is on the phone.

I feel you on that. After dinner if I'm not in the bed I'm going to hit you up. I mean if that's cool with you?

That's fine. I'll be waiting.

Jacques put his phone down and smirked. Anastasia saw the look on his face and of coarse she asked him questions.

"Who is that? Got you smiling and shit?"

"Nobody. Eat your food and stop worrying about what I'm doing."

"See here you go with the smart ass comments again. I'm sick of it Jac." She said.

"Well you know what? If you so sick of it do something about it then. I'm sick too. And I've been tired."

They both put food in their mouth without saying anything else to each other. After Jacques finished his food, he cleared his area and went to his room.

He went and showered and put on his T-shirt and boxers for bed. He laid on his side of the bed and turned on the tv. He texted Sherie.

Goodnight. I would love to see you tomorrow for a walk if you feel like it.

Sure. Same time as today?


He put his cell down and Anastasia walked in right as he was getting comfortable for bed. She went and showered and came and got in bed with him. She laid under him and put her arm around him.

"I love you Jac." She said softly in his ear.

He didn't respond to her. He just laid there.

"Did you hear me? I said I love you."

"Yeah man. Love you too. Now go to bed damn. I'm tired and you talking too much.

They closed their eyes and went to bed.

What is the issue with them????

He ain't stun her!!!!!

Anastasia is aggy!!!!!

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