Chapter 15

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Anastasia turned over and looked at him.

"Damion what did you just say to me?"

"I said I'm in love with you."

"How can that be? I mean we just started whatever this is between us."

"I told you. I've always been in love with you. This is feelings I been had. Jac treats you so bad and I can't stand that. I make enough money to take care of you. Let me."

"I can't do that to Jac Dam. That will be too much. I love him. Yes he does me wrong. But I do love my husband."

"And I get that but does he love you? Do he deserve you? I'm a real man. And I can do you right. I will treat you like a woman should be treated. Just let me show you please."

Anastasia just looked at him in awe to what he was saying. She didn't know what to say to him at all. Damion leaned in and kissed her lips softly and whispered to her.

"Anastasia I mean what I said. I really do love you. And if you let me I will take you away from all this shit and cater to you and you only. It's more than sex with me. I want you to give me your heart."

"Boy Dam do you really hear yourself? This is not a game. I can't be hurt again."

"And I'm not trying to. Jac is a ass and I don't like that shit. The way he talk to you, the way he treat you. Where is her now hmm?"

Anastasia looked off from him cause she knew he was right. Damion turned her head back to him and cupped her chin in his hand.

"See what I mean. I can't stand to see you hurt like this. No woman should have to worry where her man is at no time."

He kissed her lips again. Climbing on top of her they begin to make out again. Holding back on her moans Anastasia bit down on her lip.

Grabbing his harden member Damion slid back into her. As he begin to make love to her he moved slowly and intensely.

"Damn I love you girl. I just you realize that in me." Damion said as he kissed her passionately.

Anastasia ate all that up that he was saying to her. She wrapped her leg around him tighter and scratched his back. As they made love she felt tears coming down her face. She really loved Jacques but she felt herself falling for Damion.

"Dam?" She said softly.

"Yes baby?"

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

Damion stopped in mid stoke and looked at her eye to eye.

"And I'm already in love with you. He wiped her face with his thumbs and kissed her softly.

As they continued to make love they both came together. Damion laid back next to her holding her in his arms. She laid on his chest and just thought about all that was going on.

In the middle of her thinking her cell phone rings. Anastasia turned over and grabbed her phone. She looked at the caller Id and saw that it was her mother.

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