So what now?

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"So what now?" Elyza said as she dropped like dead weight on the couch.

"Well... Now we wait. We got enough food and as we now know what's going on out there, I think it's better if we stay in here" Raven replied as she did the same.

"But for how long?? We aren't gonna be safe in here forever! The zombies are gonna find this place someday or maybe they won't even have to! Who knows?!" Elyza snapped.

But before Raven could say anything, she continued in the same tone, "Sooner or later the zombies will get us. Either it is directly or indirectly. For how long do you think they won't crowd your shop?! Aka the only way to go out!? Have you never seen a zombie movie in your life?!" she concluded.

"I know. And I have. I know my apartment won't always be the safe spot. But look, It's not like I own properties all around the city so we can just choose one to settle in. Because I don't" Raven replied calmly.

"You don't have to! Because if this is truly The Zombie Apocalypse, People will leave their homes and run towards the damn desert or the border. Out of this damn infected country but they won't know it's a waste! We do! We have dealt with a situation like this before remember?!" Elyza explained.

"Your point being....??" Raven asked partly already knowing the answer.

"The houses and places will mostly be empty so we can take em'! Gosh! How did you get the title of 'the most genius person on any planet?!'"

Raven rolled her eyes and spoke, "You mean steal them. And also, I got that title after saving your ass and everyone's ass about... Oh wait. Too many times to count. Princess"

"Yeah yeah whatever Reyes. And yes. Steal em. They won't be there to live there anyways.." Elyza said while rolling her eyes as well.

"Okay. We'll leave here in the morning as it is already too late and search for a place to call home. Sound good?" Raven asked.

"Yeah" Elyza replied.

"Well now, I don't know about you, but I feel like a elephant stepped on my muscles. So I'm gonna hit the bed. See you later Princess" Raven groaned while getting up from the couch.

"Good night Raven" Elyza said while rolling her eyes.

Elyza too went to bed after some time. She knew if she didn't she'll be a zombie the whole of tomorrow. And don't we have enough of them now...?


Next Morning

Both the girls got up with every single of their muscle screaming in pain.

"Gosh. Everything hurts. Since when did everything hurt so much?!" Elyza asked as she groaned from sore muscles as she walked around the house.

"Since you decided to sit on your ass for a whole month eating junk food doing absolutely nothing" Raven deadpanned.

"You did the same!!" Elyza argued.

"I atleast had the audacity to exercise"

"So did I! How do you think I'm not a potato right now??!" Elyza argued.

"Oh believe me you are. Just in the right places" Raven smirked.

Elyza groaned.

Raven chuckled. She loved making Elyza uncomfortable or cringe.

"So you gonna pack stuff or what?" Raven asked.

"I am"

"You are literally leaning against the door frame" Raven deadpanned.

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