Build a brace for you and suck it up

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It was 1 week after Raven agreed to teach Lexa and Lincoln.

They had trained everyday. From morning to afternoon or evening. However long they wanted. And unsurprisingly, Lexa already knew alot. 'I observed you when you were teaching the others' was what she had said.

Lincoln wasn't too far behind too. He and Lexa were already good shots. They could already hit their targets. Lexa more than Lincoln. Even if it wasn't on point, it was still way better than Nick or Chris. Raven surprisingly didn't lose her patience with them. Mostly because there was Lexa.. And well.. She was Lexa. Yeah you get it.

Today was a new day and today Raven decided to talk about guns and bullets instead of use them. She gathered everyone. Anya, Lexa, Lincoln, Elyza, Nick and Chris. They were all there. They were standing around the guns when Raven started,

"So, today we won't shoot. We will learn and discuss. This is something you all should know if you know how to fire a gun or a rifle" she started. Elyza already had an idea of what this was about.

"Alright, Go on" Nick said.

"So, when you fire a gun, you are ready for the recoil and noise, right?" she asked.

Everyone nodded.

"One thing you should also be ready for is the pain"

"What pain??" Chris asked confused.

"The pain of when a bullet enters your skin. The pain of when you get shot"

"You won't always get shot! It's very unlikely" Chris said scared of the scenario.

"It is very likely actually. Because your luck will run out. Today, tomorrow or a year later. You will get shot one day. And that's just it" Raven explained.

"What are you trying to say?" Nick asked not getting what Raven was getting at.

"What to do when you do"

They waited for her to continue and elaborate.

"So, look, I'm discussing this whole thing because this is a dangerous world. You don't know what will happen any minute. So atleast what you can know is this" Raven started and looked at everyone making sure everyone was listening. Even people who didn't need to.

"So, one thing you gotta know is that when you get shot, don't scream. Do not make alot of noise. Because-" Raven got cut off by Chris,

"What do you mean don't scream?! If I get shot how am I supposed to not scream?!" he asked in disbelief.

"Because, when you scream, you use energy. Energy that you need if you want to stay alive. The more tired you get, the more chances are of you not making it. Because all your body wants to do is sleep. Let go and rest. Stop feeling the pain. But you can't do that. So you all you should do is conserve that energy" Raven explained.

"Raven is right" Anya piped in and got nods of affirmation from everyone except Nick and Chris.

"But why does it matter anyways? If you are shot, you are dead" Chris argued.

"Not necessarily. When I was shot, I didn't get treatment for almost a day. And the bullet wasn't anywhere, it was in my-" Raven got cut off again. By Nick this time,

"Wait wait wait. You never told us this story! You never told us you got shot!" Nick said confusingly.

"I know. And it wasn't because I don't trust you with the story, it's just that... That is something I wanted to forget. And this world helped me forget it" Raven said with a sad expression.

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