Mystery Person

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"Sky girl. I see you're as reckless as before" the person said smirking. They both gasped. Eyes wide and jaw dropped.

They couldn't believe their eyes. They were frozen. Because once more there was a person standing in front of their eyes that shouldn't be here. Finally Elyza spoke first breaking the silence,

"Anya?!" she said with shock and happiness covering her tone.

"Grounder we accidentally shot!!" Raven exclaimed after her.

Anya rolled her eyes at Raven and stopped at arm's length from Elyza. She offered a handshake which Elyza took without a second thought.

"How-What are you doing here?!" Elyza asked still in shock.

But before Anya could answer, Raven dumped another, more answerable, question,

"No offense cheekbones, but I thought grounders hated guns..." she said eyeing the gun that hung loosely.

"They did. But it was a foolish belief. Guns aren't evil. People are" she said, receiving two nods.

"That was one hell of a aim though.." Raven asked curiously.

"I joined the military after a year of when I came here so I could stay as close to who I was" Anya answered Raven's suspicion.

"And how long ago was that....?" Elyza piped in, curious.

"I came here 8 years ago" Anya replied. Both the girls' eyes widened.

"Holy... Damn" Raven said shocked.

"Do you.. Live around here?" Elyza asked pushing past her shock.

"For now. I decided to stay here for a while as this place was empty. Less chance of running into people"

"You could come with us... I mean if you don't have a destination.. We have a yacht.. Well it's not ours but we have one. There's a family from this world and Lexa and Lincoln from the other..." Elyza said rambling and mentally cursing herself for it.

Anya had a amused face but replied nonetheless, "Okay"

"Okay..?" Elyza asked confused.

"Yes. Settling somewhere is what I need. So I will come with you. And it will be good to see Leksa after so long. And Linkon" Anya replied calmly.

"So... You got a place where we can pick your stuff up from? You know to take with us..?" Raven asked Elyza's question.

"Yes. Walk with me" Anya replied and started walking.

"So.. Why's this town like this? You know... Empty.. Dead?" Raven asked a few steps behind from Anya. Anya walking too fast for no reason.

"When the government found out about the virus, they told the military to quarantine the big cities and evacuate small cities and towns first. This was one of it" Anya concluded.

"Huh.. Thought so" Raven said.

"Wait.. Are you saying there's a place that's not infected yet? Like a refugee center??" Elyza asked curiously.

"No.. I'm afraid not. The last military base went dark a few months ago. When I went to check, my intuitions were correct. They were all dead. People who looked to me to save them, were mindless monsters now" Anya said sadness covering her tone and upping her pace.

"I'm sorry" Elyza said not knowing what else to say.

"Don't be. It always happens to me, doesn't it?!" Anya said with a scoff referring to the bridge. She didn't mean to be so angry but she was.

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