Holy shit

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Raven gasped, "Holy... Shit!"

Elyza was just frozen. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, no words coming out. Just the look of utter shock and disbelieve on her face.

Both girls couldn't believe what they were seeing. In front of their eyes sat The Commander. Lexa. Head of the 12 clans. Who had been the most important person in their world sat there looking at them.

Before anyone could utter a word she spoke, "What? Why are you people looking at me like that?? Do I know you??" the girl asked confusingly.

Those 3 questions did it for them. Elyza felt her heart shatter again. The girl she loved didn't even remember her and Raven couldn't help but ask her, "Wait.. You don't remember us...??"

"Should I??" the girl asked furrowing her brows as if trying to strain her memory.

"I'm gonna go. Uhh clean the walkers or else they'll hear us" Elyza said quickly as she hurried away from the duo. She knew if she would've stayed she would've broken down. So she didn't.

"Is she okay?.." the girl asked skeptically still sitting against the door.

"Umm yeah.. Yeah she's fine" Raven said as she offered her hand to the girl and pulled her up.

"I'm Raven by the way. Raven Reyes. And that was Elyza. Elyza Lex... " she added and scanned the girl's face for any indication of familiarity.

"Um.. I'm Alicia.. Clark. Thanks for saving me.." Alicia said awkwardly.

"Damn soulmates" Raven muttered under her breath.

"What?" Alicia asked not hearing her.

"Oh nothing. I said your welcome" Raven smoothly lied.

"Oh okay"

"So.... Do you have a group orr..." Raven said as she tried to ease the weird tension that had settled around them.

It was easy for Raven to talk to the commander as she didn't really have any relation with her in the other world other than some things so it was easier for her than it was for Elyza.

"Yeah. Umm I have my family.. My brother.. I was with him but then we got separated and now I don't know where he is.. But I have to find them! I have to find him!" Alicia said as worry and desperation covered her expression.

That is something Raven noticed about her. That this version of the commander didn't remain stoic if she was around people. Didn't hide her emotions but rather showed it openly. That was new.

When Raven realized she was still staring she hurried to get a answer out, "Umm we can help you find them if you want..?" Raven asked with uncertainty.

As she said it she saw Elyza in her peripheral and immediately turned.

Elyza's face was blank other than the walker blood covering her face, there was nothing there. No hint of any emotion. And that concerned Raven.. So she gave Alicia the water bottle she carried to let her drink some of it obvious to the fact the girl was still breathing heavily. Alicia said a small 'Thanks' and Raven headed over to her friend.

"Hey Elyza.. You okay with us helping her..? Because if you don't-" Raven tried to say before Elyza cut her.

"Yeah Raven I'm fine. And of course we'll help her. Doesn't matter who she was. We'll help" Elyza said with a straight face.

Raven didn't miss the way she already accepted that the commander wasn't coming back.. But Raven knew arguing with her right now wouldn't do any good so she just nodded and went over to Alicia.

Alicia was standing awkwardly, shifting from leg to leg not really knowing what to do. When she finally saw Raven approach and Elyza not far behind but keeping distance, she relaxed a bit. Atleast she didn't have to stand around anymore. Let the blonde avoid her. She just needs to get back to her family.

"Hey. So umm we will help you find your family but we can't do that right now. It's already too close to dark and roaming in the dark is not the best idea. So you can come with us to our place and then in the morning we'll find your family" Raven said as she looked over to Elyza after every sentence for confirmation but Elyza just nodded to everything she was saying.

Alicia looked like she wanted to argue but held back, "Alright" she said.

"Alright then. Here. Take my bat you'll need to protect yourself just in case" Raven said as she handed Alicia her bat.

"Thanks" she replied while testing the weight of the bat in her hands.

Raven and Alicia started walking, Elyza following them. It already had turned dark enough that they had to hurry.

After sometime they all reached the house.

"This is your place?!" Alicia asked in awe of the house.

"Yeah" Raven smirked.

"Wait was that light on when we left?" Elyza asked as she saw a single light on in the whole house.

"Umm.. I don't know.. I don't think so.." Raven replied confused.

"I'll check it out and see if someone's or something's there and then I'll signal you guys to come in" Elyza said already walking towards the door.

"Lyza wait! Are you sure you wanna go alone in there..?" Raven asked with a concerned face.

"Yeah Rae I'll be fine. I'll be back in a sec" Elyza said as she resumed her walk towards the door.

Elyza took out her knife, clutching it in one hand, she carefully opened the door. Even after her attempt the door still creaked a bit, cringing her.

She went in towards the light source. The room was empty. There was no one there but she knew there was. She had heard someone. Too quiet and maintained to be a walker. So she turned off the lights and with her knife still in one hand, she went towards the way she thought the person might've gone.

As she was walking towards the stairs she heard someone behind her. Acting as if she didn't hear it she casually kept walking and turned a corner. Waiting for whoever was there to come there and look for her.

And as she predicted, the person rounded the corner themselves and as soon as they did, she grabbed the person, who was a well built man by the feel of it, by the collar and put her knife on his throat. Though Elyza might've underestimated his strength because the next second she was slammed onto the ground...


So? Alicia's here! And a surprise character! Can you guess who it is?! Leave your guesses in the comments!

Also, let me know, what did you think of Alicia? Did I get her personality right?

And did you enjoy the chapter? Did it live up to your expectations? Anything you might wanna say to me? Any suggestions, opinions? Comments it is!

And did you enjoy this chapter? It's a little short and I would've made it longer but it covered a lot of things so I thought adding pointless things will be a waste and boring for you to read too..

Also! Don't forget to vote! As I said before, it takes seconds and makes my 24 hours! 😄

See you tomorrow! ❤️

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