Chapter 6

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"Why is it that people never listen when someone is trying to warn them? Why must people learn the hard way?"


It was already lunch time but everyone is oddly quiet making some of the students look at us, like zombies being controlled, just walking without emotions.

Should I just transfer to a different school?

Should I just leave everything here and save myself?

But what about Lisa? Jisoo? Rosé? They are already my friends. Should I just leave them behind and go on with my life away from this so-called 'hell'? That's the easiest way, right? I mean someone gave me a black card saying I should save myself from this school. I am a transferee but why am I being involved in this mess?

Damn it!

Lisa nudged me a little. "Penny for your thoughts?" I smiled at her, shaking my head a little.

"Sorry just lost in my own thoughts."

"Feel free to tell us what's bothering you if you want to remove those messy things inside your head." Jisoo whispered but enough to be heard and so I nodded, giving them a small smile to reassure them that I am okay... or am I?

I invited Rosé and Jisoo to join us cause why not? They are not bad or bullies like Ryujin's circle of friends.

"Let's go I am already starving!" Rosé dragged us into the nearest vacant table and Lisa volunteered to order our food.

"I think Lisa likes you." Rosé wiggled her eyebrows at me. I creased my forehead before laughing. "No, she's just being kind." But Rosé just shrugged her shoulder not believing me.

"Here's your cakes and milkshakes princesses." Lisa put our foods down on the table, giving us a big sweet smile before sitting beside me. "Enjoy."

We are quietly eating our food when Ryujin and her friends went to our table. "Wow Lisa, you have a new group of friends? You want nerds now? Gosh, didn't know you are that dumb and naive or maybe... you just wanted to taste the transferee? What's her name again? Jennie? Am I right? I mean she has a milky flawless skin. I am sure our friends are ready to lick those skin." They started laughing before tracing her finger on my arm making me shiver in fear and disgust. Shit.

"I already said this but I am repeating it for the sake of your pea-sized brain. Don't. touch. her." Lisa said menacingly, still looking at her plate but Ryujin just laughed at her. "What you gonna do 'bout that?" Lisa suddenly threw her plate harshly making all the students including us gasped. She stared at Ryujin with her icy eyes, wrapping her right hand on Ryujin's neck almost strangling her.

Ryujin kept on tapping Lisa's hand around her neck. "L-Let go Lisa! I c-can't breathe..." But Lisa suddenly smirked tightening her gripped. "You don't wanna see me mad Ryujin. I am a hot-tempered person and you know that. I hate repeating my words it makes me crazy."

Taehyung and the others took a step forward to stop Lisa but she just threw a sharp glare at them. "One more fucking step and you will all regret it." Everyone can feel the thick tension inside the cafeteria.

Lisa's aura changed in a totally different one.

She can be sweet sometimes but this Lisa, she has a dark aura surrounding her that you don't wanna mess with but someone should stop her or else she might kill Ryujin with her tight grip.

No one dared to stop her, everyone is afraid to go near her even her friends. Fuck it.

I took a deep breath before standing, I gently placed my hands on Lisa's arm gently trying to remove her hand on Ryujin's neck.

"It's okay, Lisa. Calm down a bit, please. You need to let go. You might kill her. Please..." She immediately loosens her gripped before completely removing it. Ryujin kept on coughing while holding her neck. She looked at me with those menacing eyes making me step back a little. Her eyes soften when she saw my scared reaction, heaving a deep sighed.

"I'm sorry," She mumbled before leaving the cafeteria.

Everyone is still quiet but soon enough they started going back to their own business. I sat on my seat sighing deeply. "That was so scary." Rosé whispered to us.

"Lisa is a good kid. Maybe she had enough of Ryujin's bullshit. Serves her right." Jisoo defended making us nod. "If I am only that brave? I will also do it to stop her from bullying everyone here. She thinks she's the best. I will not be surprised if soon we found out that one of them is the killer."

The bell rang and the students dispersed, going to their respective room. I wonder if Lisa will be there. I should have chase her to make sure she's fine. We went back to our room but Lisa is nowhere to be seen. Where are you, Lisa?

The teacher entered the room and he started calling out names. "Ms. Manoban?" He called out. "Ms. Manoban?"

"She's not here, Sir." One of our classmates said and he just nodded. The lecture went on but I just stared outside the window but then I saw a girl sitting under the tree. Lisa? Is that Lisa? I grabbed my phone inside my pocket sending a message to her.

To: Lisa

[Where are you?]

Soon enough my phone vibrated so I quickly open my phone reading her message.

From: Lisa

[Outside. I need to calm myself. I'm not good at socializing if I am pissed.]

From: Lisa

[By the way, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to scare you. I am just having a family problem and then there's Ryujin adding to my problem. Sorry.]

To: Lisa

[Can I see you after school? Just wanna make sure you're fine. Well, you saved me multiple times this is the only way to pay you back.]

To: Lisa

[And it's fine. You don't need to say sorry.]

From: Lisa

[I'm sorry but maybe not today. Tomorrow. See you tomorrow. Don't worry I'm already fine. Just need a little fresh air : )]

"Ms. Kim. Are you listening? Stop using your phone or I'll give you a detention." I quickly hid my phone inside my pocket, returning my attention in front. 45 minutes pass but I can't seem to focus and I know why.

Just one reason.


I am really worried right now. I really wanna see her to make sure she's already fine but I don't wanna annoy her or something. She might get mad at me if I keep on insisting that we should meet. Maybe she needs space and time for herself.

It's already dismissal but I am still thinking about her. Well, she's my protector since the day I stepped into this crazy school but I can't do anything to make her feel better. Should I treat her ice cream tomorrow? Well, there's a newly opened ice cream parlor just across our house maybe I should invite her. Okay, tomorrow it is. I just wish you are really alright Lisa.

I will definitely make sure you'll smile and that's my mission for tomorrow.

Make Lalisa Manoban smile...

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