Chapter 13

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"Then, what's the purpose of the mission? To save us all.

You can't save all of us if you murder them."


After that incident, everyone started fixing their papers ready to transfer to another school but because of the happenings the admins can't process their papers immediately and of course our useless principal, stopping them from doing so.

[Do you all really think transferring to another school will save you?]

There's a long silence, only the murderer's laughter echoed inside our room sending a shiver to us, then it continued.

[Now now, Can you all see the black candles resting on the teacher's table? Let's play a game again. Shall we? Every each one of you will get a candle and confess your deepest little secrets. Once you lie, someone will die.]

[One lie, One life. Easy, right? Alright, let's begin.]

[Don't try to trick me. I'm watching.]

Everyone fell into a deep silence, not making a move to start the confession. Everyone is afraid. Truth be told I am scared.

"Why don't you start Jennie Ruby Jane Kim? Since these happenings started when you transferred here in our school?" Ryujin lifted her eyebrow at me and everyone nodded, agreeing to that idea. I'm not ready for this. I'm not ready to tell them my secret.

"I'll go first." Lisa stood up, walking towards the teacher's table. I know she's saving me again. From the way she looked at me while holding the black candle.

That look.

I know she's also scared.

She cleared her throat before lighting the candle. "Okay, so I'll start. Uhm, my deepest secret... this is harder than I thought."

No one talked.


"Please don't hate me about this secret. I uh I killed 2 puppies just for fun." Everyone gasped including me.

"I drowned them. I watched them struggle, but I don't feel any guilt at that very moment. All I know is that I need to do the dare that my friends told me to do. I am trying to fit in. I was only a child back then I wanted to fit it." She blew the candle, placing it on the black box with her name on it. "I'm sorry." I heard her mumble.

She killed puppies... that's ruthless but I can't judge her by that. I also have my own dirty secret.

Bambam stood up, doing the same thing. "Let's get this over with. I followed Jennie Kim the day when she stayed at the library. Ryujin ordered me to do so." I lifted my gaze at him and he's not meeting my stare.

"Excuse me?!" I shouted at him. I saw him gulped

"I- I'm sorry..." He bowed his head, clasping his hands. "T-That's all." He was about to blow the candle when a bullet made it's way to Lia's chest.

My heart stops beating when Lia's body fell on the ground. The blood slowly leaving her body. Oh my god... I didn't know I will experience these horrendous things. I held Lisa's arm for support, feeling like any minute now I will have a panic attack.

"Breathe Jennie. Breathe." She held my face making me look at her. "Breathe with me. Come on." She kissed my temple, letting me find the comfort that I needed right now.

I'm about to lose my mind.

"Stop lying and tell us your dark secret, Bam!" Taehyung shouted.

"I'm the one who pushed Hanbin!" He shouted back, tears cascading on his cheeks. Everyone started murmuring and some are just too shocked to speak or move.

He attempted to kill Hanbin? But why? They're friends, right?


"The murderer! The murderer threatened me! That person wanted me to kill Hanbin! I need to save my life for fuck sake!" He yelled but no one seems to hear him. It's getting crazier. The killings are becoming more frequent and it's getting bolder.

"Enough Bambam! The point is you killed him!" Lisa stood up, grabbing his collar.

Where the hell is the faculty?! Aren't they suppose to be here to check on what is happening to this fucked up room?! Oh god, are they involved in these things?

"Guys! Enough! We need to finish this game if we want to live!" Ryujin pushed them both and the chaos already started. Everyone is on their feet accusing one another.

The chaos that the murderer made begins.

This is what the murderer wants, to make us kill one another. He or she is succeeding in this game and I know we are about to lose. "What about you Ryujin? What's your dirty little secret?" Lisa raised her eyebrow at her making everyone stopped. "Care to tell us?" She lifted the black candle handing it to Ryujin.

"W-What are you t-talking about?" She stammered. Her hands started to tremble, eyes scanning the room, avoiding our gazes. "Oh come on! I already told everyone my secret same goes with Bambam. What about you? What are you hiding?"

"Settle down everyone, Ryujin The Queen Bee is going to spill her darkest little secret." Bobby added, smirking at her.

Everyone waited for her to speak, her hand that is holding the now lighted black candle is shaking. "What? Speak Ryujin. We are all waiting." Bambam pushed.

Why do they keep dragging each other down? We should be helping each other. We all have the same goal.

To survive.

To live.

"I- I don't have a s-secret." She mumbled. A loud sound can be heard inside the room, another bullet struck the window hitting Soyeon on her head.

I covered my mouth with my palm. My head is spinning. There are two lifeless body inside our room but no one came to check on us. What kind of hell is this place?

"Tell us your fucking secret!" This time Jisoo shouted. Her voice boomed inside the room. "Are you waiting to see us all dead?! Huh?! One more fucking lie Ryujin and someone will die again! Can't you see this is not like a common game! Our lives are on the fucking line!"

"One more fucking lie, Ryujin and I will be the one to kill you." Lisa threatened.

Ryujin started crying in front, gripping the candle on her hand.

"I... I am the one w-who ordered K-Kai to r-rape and h-humiliate Seungyeon..."

Too much socializing in one day, my body's running out of battery.

Everyone has a Secret [ JENLISA ]Where stories live. Discover now