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Still December 1st - Monday morning.

"So you're an omega too huh?"

Taehyung stopped in his tracks, slowly turning around to face the mysterious boy. They made eye contact once again as the boy began to stand and make his way over to Taehyung. As the boy stood in front of the shaking male, his face turned softer as he realised why the other was so scared.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not an alpha trying to mark you. I'm an omega too but I hide my scent." The mysterious omega said, Taehyung relaxed as much as possible but was still tense as the stranger continued to talk to him.

"I'm Yoongi, what about you?" Yoongi said with a small smile.


"How old are you? You look too young to be in a 12th grade class." Yoongi asked, curious as to why someone like Taehyung was in his class.

"I'm 16, some of my classes got taken up a grade." Taehyung said sheepishly, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he unintentionally bragged about his smarts.

"Impressive, can I sit next to you?" The older asked as some students started to enter the classroom. Taehyung nodded as he sat in his usual place, Yoongi sitting in the seat that was almost to never taken by another person.

"Hyung, can I ask something?" Taehyung asked timidly as he finally made a friend besides Seokjin.


"How do you hide your scent if you're an omega?" The question almost shocked Yoongi, he did mention that he hides his scent before but he didn't expect the shy-looking boy next to him to ask a question like that so confidently.

"I have a mate." Yoongi said, pulling down his black turtleneck sweater to reveal a medium-sized bruise on the side of his neck where his scent glands were. Taehyung looked at the mark curiously, his mind thinking about who his mate could be.

"Is he an alpha?" It was an obvious question, the older omega reeked of an alpha's scent.

"Yeah, you might know him actually." Yoongi said, shocking the younger.

"Ah! I doubt that hyung!" Taehyung said, looking down at his desk. "I only have one friend, technically two now if I count you. No one really likes me." He let out a forced chuckle as he smiled at the older.

The older opened his mouth to say something until he was interrupted.

"Hey freak! Who's this? Another one of your emo friends?" Taehyung sighed as he instantly recognised the voice.

"Leave me alone Namjoon." Taehyung whispered, his mood instantly ruined once again as he temporarily forgot about the group of bullies that torment him every chance they get.

"Oh so you can talk huh? What're you gonna do? Go tell your daddy?" Taehyung winced as Namjoon and his friends started laughing at the poor younger.

"Hey, why don't you just back off huh?" Yoongi said, standing up and pushing the taller alpha.

"Don't you dare touch hi-" The voice was cut off as a realisation occurred. Park Jimin, another alpha in Namjoon's gang. Not to mention that he was also Yoongi's mate.

Yoongi growled as he sat back down next to Taehyung who was shaking although it wasn't that noticeable.

"Come on guys, just leave these nerds alone." Taehyung once again recognised that voice.

Jeon Jeongguk.

He was the worst from all of them. Not to Taehyung, but to others. He was a True Blood alpha and bullied many people, he never really paid attention to Taehyung though, in which the omega will be forever thankful. Jeongguk was also the one to always tell his friends to back off. Taehyung could never read him, his face seemed to be stuck in this stoic, stone-cold expression that made everyone back off. He was also in the 11th grade like Taehyung, he was extremely intelligent. Taehyung guessed that came from his True Blood background. Just like male omegas, True Blood alphas were rare.

Jeongguk and his gang eventually left leaving the two omegas alone in the back.

"You just let them talk to you like that?!" Yoongi's sudden outburst startled Taehyung as he visibly jumped, the sad look in his eyes never leaving as he looked at the older.

"I can't do anything, I'm just an omega. If I stand up for myself, they'll make me submit and still hurt me." Taehyung explained, fiddling with his fingers as he held back the tears that he's gotten used to caging behind his emotional prison.

"Well not anymore. I won't let them hurt you anymore." Yoongi declared, arms crossed as a determined look covered his pale face.

"W-what?" Taehyung was confused to say the least, no one had ever wanted to stand up for him. Not even Jin.

"They won't do anything to me, I'm sure of it. I'll protect you Tae." Yoongi stated. Taehyung felt his cheeks heat up as he heard the nickname his hyung had called him.

"Th-thanks hyung. No one's ever done that for me." Taehyung said, giving Yoongi his classic box smile. It felt nice for the younger to smile genuinely for once.

"No worries, we're friends right?"

"Right!" Taehyung replied confidently, happiness evident in his face.


As usual, class was irrelevant. Nobody listened and the teacher was almost falling asleep. For once, Taehyung didn't spend the lesson staring out of the window. Instead, he spent his time getting to know Yoongi and telling the older about himself, obviously skipping the parts about his mother. Once the bell rang, the couple of omegas got up and walked out together, still talking happily. Yoongi had learned that Taehyung's 17th birthday was in less than a month.

"Hey, that means you'll find your mate soon!" Yoongi said excitedly, Taehyung nodded in reply. The two continued to talk until Taehyung bumped into someone, falling over in process.

"Tch. Watch where you're going, nerd." Jeongguk spat as he barely looked down at the omega on the floor.

"Back off man." Yoongi spat back as he helped his friend off of the floor.

"Don't tell me what to do." Jeongguk argued back, getting close to Yoongi's face.

"Go to class Tae." Yoongi said as he gritted his teeth, letting go of Taehyung's hand.


"Go." Taehyung slightly nodded as he speed-walked to his English class. Once Taehyung was out of sight, Yoongi took action.

"Leave Taehyung the fuck alone if you know what's good for you." Yoongi said, pushing the taller alpha into the lockers. Jeongguk groaned but immediately began to compose himself.

"Why do you care so much about that freak?" Jeongguk growled, walking closer to the, what he thought, shorter alpha.

"Has he ever done anything to you? Anything that gives you the right to treat him like that?" Yoongi semi-yelled as he trapped Jeongguk to the lockers and held his fist out sturdily, ready to punch an alpha for Taehyung. Jeongguk tried to push Yoongi off but the omega was insanely strong for his rank.

"Get the fuck off me." Jeongguk, trying to make Yoongi submit by using his alpha voice.

"You're stupid voice won't work on me. I'll ask nicely one last time, leave Taehyung the fuck alone." Yoongi growled as he let go of Jeongguk and began to walk to his class.

Jeongguk stood there in shock, no one has ever stood up to him like that. Why did that person care so much about Taehyung? Who was this Taehyung? Thoughts ran through his head as he walked to the roof. The alpha sat on the edge of the roof as he smoked, not giving a care about the world. Jeongguk decided to let everything go and not let him be pushed around again.

"Fuck this shit."


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Random question: Do you own any BTS albums? If so, which ones?

My answer: I own all of them except Love Yourself: Her >:(

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