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December 3rd - Wednesday.

It was Wednesday, and Taehyung had nothing to do. He had cancelled on Jeongguk, not wanting to admit his feelings. His feelings had eerily became stronger, yet it felt as though it was natural and mutual. Of course that was stupid, Jeongguk won't like him. He's the same as his friends. Right?

December 4th - Thursday.

Thursday came around slowly as the long school days felt like years. Taehyung sat in his English class watching the hands of the clock slowly move around. Minute by minute, Taehyung became more antsy as he silently prepared to dash out of his seat and rush to his dreaded home when the big hand of the circular face struck 12. Eventually, three o'clock came around and Taehyung was evidently the first one to leave, leaving the rest of his classmates behind without a single glance. The omega had become quite the expert of avoiding the one alpha whom he came into contact with, not even sparing a single text to the seamlessly popular true blood.

However, what story would this be if the protagonist didn't receive some kind of bad luck? As Taehyung almost reached the exit of the prison-like facility, he halted in his tracks as he saw two familiar bodies.

'I can just go through the back exit' Taehyung thought, almost proud of the so incredibly smart and obviously original idea he had just thought of. He turned around, hoping he wasn't spotted like prey by his predators.

Like I said, no story is filled with daisies and good luck. At least, not this one.

"Hey! Don't go running off now TaeTae." Hoseok, the supposedly nice one, bellowed out loud enough so the omega could cringe at the nickname. Taehyung slowly turned around, only just realising how close the older teenagers were to him. He looked up and almost noticeably shook with fear.

Taehyung took a very low chance.

Taehyung bolted.

Where? Who cares? He just ran away from the two alphas, having no idea where he was going specifically. Just away.

Taehyung ran, quickly losing most of his energy due to his lack of exercise. The omega cursed under his breath as he reached a dead end.

Ha. Of course this would happen.

Taehyung mentally rolled his eyes as he once again turned around. He found himself in the music department, only one class within reasonable distance. Namjoon and Hoseok already in the vicinity, Taehyung decided to give up and accept his unfortunate fate.

"You little shit." Namjoon growled, using his alpha voice in which instantly Taehyung fall to his knees in submission. The alpha, Namjoon, picked Taehyung up by the collar and pinned him against the wall. "You deserve this, stupid omega." Taehyung instantly cowered as Namjoon growled into his ear. A yelp was released as the taller alpha harshly punched the small omega in his blessed face. A new pair of footsteps were heard as Hoseok asked Namjoon to hit him once more.

"What the fuck are you two doing!?" Jeongguk bellowed aggressively, not expecting his friends to be violent to a seamlessly innocent being.

"Just teaching this fag a lesson, Gguk." Namjoon snarled, turning his head to face the younger alpha, making Taehyung's bruised face come into Jeongguk's view.

"I don't fucking think so, honey." Jeongguk replied with a very intimidating scowl apparent on his face.

The true blood alpha instantly grabbed Namjoon, making him drop Taehyung to the floor, and pushed him against the other wall.

"Listen to me and listen to me closely. If I ever see you lay another filthy hand on Taehyung again, I'll make sure you won't live to see graduation. Am I clear?" Jeongguk growled loudly, the older alpha nodded slightly, eyebrows furrowed. Jeongguk shoved him harder into the wall, causing a small wince to leave Namjoon's mouth.

"I said. Am I clear?" Jeongguk growled once more.

"Y-yes Gguk!" Namjoon winced again as his back released cracking noises as he was shoved even harder, causing immense pain. He was dropped to the floor, instantly recovering and scurrying away with Hoseok. Jeongguk snarled and instantly looked to Taehyung. The omega was still against the wall, cuddling his knees as he sobbed quietly.

"Tae!" Jeongguk rushed to his side, quickly embracing him tightly. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

"T-that was s-scary." Taehyung sobbed, leaning into Jeongguk's touch.

"I'm sorry this happened Taehyungie." Jeongguk muttered, feeling an immense amount of guilt lacing throughout his body as he continued to comfort his undisclosed mate.

"It's okay"


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Random question: How good is the food at your school/college? etc.

My answer: Pretty good ngl.

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