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December 15th - Monday morning (a week later).

"Taehyung?! Are you ready yet? We're gonna be late!" Jeongguk yelled as he waited at the bottom of the stairs for Taehyung.

The omega's birthday was on the horizon, just over two weeks until the pair could be mated. Of course, the omega was completely oblivious to the fact that he was living with his mate. Jeongguk wanted to make sure he had no idea until the clock struck midnight on December 30th, his 17th birthday. The night will be magical, Jeongguk was determined to make it the best night his omega will ever have. A romantic meal of sorts in the park, surrounded by candles and rose petals an hour or so before midnight, Jeongguk will ask Taehyung to be his boyfriend with hopes of him saying yes. Once midnight arrives, Taehyung will know he and Jeongguk are mates and he will decide if he wants to spend the rest of his life with the alpha. The night will end with them passionately mating and enjoying each other's company for the rest of eternity.

"-gguk. Jeongguk? JEONGGUK!" The alpha in mention was immediately snapped out of his trance with the omega yelling into his ear.

"Huh?" Jeongguk was clearly still dazed. The entire scene he curated in his mind had barely ever left, thus he was daydreaming a lot.

"Gosh, what is going on with you?" Taehyung questioned. "I'm ready, let's go."

Jeongguk nodded and the pair left to walk towards the alpha's car. Once they were settled and buckled in, Jeongguk drove to their school. It was a quite ride, the pair only sharing a couple words but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was peaceful. The alpha pulls into the school parking lot and parks in the same spot as usual, far enough from the entrance that he doesn't seem eager but close enough to avoid a walk that was longer than necessary. Taehyung got out of the car first, followed by Jeongguk who placed himself next to the omega and wrapped his arm around his waist. Stares were being burned into the back of their heads but they were used to it, it had been over a week now since they had started to come to school together. They eventually got inside the school.

"Okay, I'm gonna find the guys. I'll meet you at your locker, okay?" Jeongguk stated, Taehyung nodded and moved away from the alpha and made his way over to his locker. School life for Taehyung was getting easier, all of Jeongguk's friends were nice to him now. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin had all apologised and they treated him no different then any other friend, it was a good feeling. Taehyung entered the pin to his locker and opened it, taking out his books that he needed for the day. As he finished, his locker door slammed shut and he was pinned against it, the omega was quite startled to put it simply. Taehyung looked up to see a boy, probably the same age as him or maybe older, holding him to the lockers with his arm on the omega's chest. Looking around, everyone who noticed the scene had looked away, minding their own business. The guy was known as Doyoung, he had quite the reputation for being inappropriate.

(this part gets a little, touchy, but in a bad way. If you are not okay with that, skip forward. it's only in this paragraph so you don't have to scroll for ages. :))

"Hmm, shame that bastard got to you first. You're quite delectable." He mumbled, his tongue darting out and licking his lips whilst his eyes rake down Taehyung's body. "I don't think he'd mind sharing." At this point, Taehyung had a steady flow of tears down his cheeks and he was shaking. Doyoung leaned closer, aiming to attach his lips to Taehyung's neck. He braced himself, but the feeling never came. Doyoung had released him. The omega opened his eyes to see Doyoung around 2 feet away from him with a very angry Jeongguk standing in front of him.

"Oh, hey Jeongguk. Don't wo-" Before Doyoung could even finish, Jeongguk's fit had given an intense greeting to his jaw, sending the offender tumbling quite far back. But he didn't stop, his fists kept colliding with the other's face.

"You think you can touch what's mine and get away with it? Huh?" Jeongguk yelled, most people had walked away in fear. The sight of Jeongguk this angry was quite scary. Taehyung had sunken to the floor and buried his face in his knees. Eventually, the one-sided fight had ended. Doyoung was unconscious and Jeongguk's fist was covered with his blood.

"Jeongguk. Get your ass to my office now." The alpha groaned as he was sent to the principals office, passing some ambulance staff on the way there. He sat in the chair in front of the principal's desk whilst the alpha watched him pace.

"What on earth do you think you're doing causing that amount of violence in my school?" The principal hissed as he gave Jeongguk a wipe to clean his hand.

"He deserved it. He was inappropriately touching my friend." Jeongguk scowled back, taking the wipe in thanks.

"Sure, maybe a push or something. But Jeongguk, do you realise that that boy will most likely have to go to hospital? I should expel you right now." Jeongguk sighed.

"I know, you should."

"Oh? No snarky comments now Mr. Jeon?"

"Look, he's my mate. Taehyung is my mate. That's the boy that sick freak touched." Jeongguk said, trying to remain calm as he recalled the events. The principal paused and looked at him, slowly blinking his eyes.

"Oh. Well. That does change things." He took of his thin framed glasses and rubbed the inner corners of his eyes. He let out a sigh. "I won't expel you. But I will have to give you a 2 week suspension, something like this can't go unpunished." The principal finalized sternly. Jeongguk nods in agreement.

"Better then expulsion."

"Effective immediately, you will leave now. You may say a quick goodbye to Taehyung though." The principal states. Jeongguk gets up and leaves, finding Taehyung waiting outside the office.

"Jeongguk! Are you okay?" Taehyung asks, immediately checking the alpha for any sort of injury.

"Don't worry." Jeongguk let's out a soft chuckle, moving Taehyung's hands away from his face. "I'm okay. But, uh, I got suspended for 2 weeks.

"Oh my g-Jeongguk!" Taehyung gives a light slap to the older's shoulder. "Your mom is gonna kill you! You shouldn't have gone that far!" Taehyung scolded.

"He deserved it, Taehyung." Jeongguk scowled, a dark look in his eyes. "Don't worry about my mom, I'll handle that." He sighs. "I'm gonna be worrying a lot when you're at school so I'm gonna tell Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok to look after you.

"But I have Jin and Yoongi, Ggukie." Taehyung frowned.

"They're not gonna be in your face or anything. They'll be like shadows in the distance, you won't even notice they're there." Jeongguk reassured.

"Okay." Taehyung smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you at home baby." Jeongguk gave Taehyung a small peck on his cheek and left to go home.



what's this? I...updated? woah

lemme know if there's any spelling mistakes.

I start school on Thursday, idk why a Thursday, so I won't have as much time to write. I hope y'all understand.

Please show your support by commenting and voting! <3

Random question: What's your favourite song? (any song, not limited to bts aha)

My answer: Probably 9 and three quarters by TXT, at the moment.

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