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December 2nd - Tuesday morning.

Jeongguk woke up to the annoying beep of his alarm. He groaned as he stretched, only to hit something. As he turned his head, he noticed another girl next to him in his bed. The alpha got up and quickly gathered all the clothes on the floor, slipping on his underwear before standing next to the poor girl still sleeping. Jeongguk threw her clothes in her face as she stirred awake.

"Get dressed and get out, don't think last night meant anything because it didn't." The alpha muttered out, not caring at all for the omega in his bed. It was standard procedure for the alpha now, he was 17 and he had still not found his mate. Jeongguk didn't exactly want to act like this but it was the only way he could cope with the thought of potentially being mateless.

"Jeong-gu-" The girl whispered, scared of the alpha.

"I said. Get. Out." Jeongguk growled and stormed out of his room after getting dressed, leaving the used girl in his room. As he walked downstairs, Jeongguk was met with the smell of bacon.

"Did you just leave her in your room?" A voice from the kitchen echoed in the room.

"What else am I to do with her?" Jeongguk replied, taking a seat at the small table in the kitchen. The boy placed his head in his hands and sighed deeply.

"Jeongguk, you can't just leave helpless young girls like that after you've slept with them! Imagine how that poor girl feels right now." His mother ranted, almost smacking her son with the spatula attached firmly to her hand.

"Why does it even matter? She's not my mate mom." Jeongguk sighed again, looking sadly down at the table. The mother's eyes instantly softened as she heard the tone in Jeongguk's voice. She turned around to serve the food and placed two plates in front of her son.

"Take this and give one to her, apologise and explain why you do it. Am I understood?"

"W-wait m-!"

"Ah! I said, am I understood?" Jeongguk nodded, noticing the slightly raised spatula. "Good, now go." She said, patting her sons head. "I have to go to work now honey, I'll be home after dark."


Jeongguk grabbed the plates and made his way upstairs, almost certain that the girl would still be there. He knocked on the door and slowly opened it, seeing the girl sat on his bed, seemingly texting someone.

"Hey, um, my mom made us breakfast." The girl nodded and sat up properly as Jeongguk passed her a plate.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Um, I've never actually apologised to someone when I've done this so don't laugh or anything. I only do this because I haven't got a mate and I don't know how else to deal with it. Most of my friends have mates and I really want one, so I deal with my frustration by using girls. I'm sorry, I know it's wrong." Jeongguk explained, guilt evident in his voice and facial expressions.

"It's okay." The girl replied with a small smile.

"W-what?" Jeongguk was shocked, not expecting to be forgiven at all.

"I understand, it's hard when you haven't found your mate yet. I think you should stop sleeping with girls now though, all of my friends really hate you." The girl chuckled, eating the small amount of food left on her plate.

"Hey, um, I know this will probably sound bad but what's your name?" Jeongguk asked nervously, scratching the nape of his neck.


"Well, Ji-hyun, friends?" Jeongguk offered, offering his hand out to shake. Ji-hyun gladly shook it and smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation." Ji-hyun stated, chuckling lightly. Jeongguk smiled, nodding at the girl

Time skip - school

Jeongguk was sat in his English class, hours after school had officially started. It was extremely rare that the boy was on time. The boy sat in the back, surrounded by his 'friends' that just kept talking about random crap that he couldn't care less about. Why should care that Tzuyu got a boob job? Since Jeongguk was in 11th grade, his main friends were in the grade above him. It was rare, but not impossible, for them to be in the same classes.

He continued to fade the conversations around him into the unspoken past until he noticed something, someone, on the other side of the room. A boy with a set of locks almost brighter than a silver coin but darker than snow. Jeongguk's inner wolf went crazy, screaming the word mate like a mantra. Soon enough, the bell signalling the end of the class and the beginning of lunch. Jeongguk instantly bolted towards the silver-haired boy.

"Hey." Jeongguk said abruptly, most likely interrupting the unknown boys conversations before they even started.

"U-um, hey?" The boy stuttered, clearly confused.

"Hey baby. I'm Jeon Jeongguk." The raven-haired boy said obnoxiously and stuck out his hand for the latter to take.

"Oh, um, I'm Kim Taehyung." He said, taking Jeongguk's hand and shook it softly. Jeongguk's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the name, remembering the situation with Yoongi.

Why has this never happened before?

"How old are you? 17?" Jeongguk asked, wanting to know if Taehyung had felt the same way he had yet.

"N-no, 16. My birthday is in a few weeks." Taehyung smiled, already feeling a strange comfort in the boy he had 'met' no longer than 2 minutes ago.

"Ah, well give me your phone." Jeongguk asked, once again holding out his hand for the younger to place his phone in.

"What for?" The oblivious omega asked.

"I'm giving you my number, was it not obvious?" Jeongguk chuckled, finding Taehyung's innocence amusing.

"Oh! S-sorry." Taehyung replied, handing his phone with a cracked screen to the alpha.

Jeongguk quickly typed in his number in the other's phone, handing it back to the timid boy. The alpha made a call me gesture before walking away. Taehyung looked down at the number and instantly blushed at the name.

Daddy JK <3

Taehyung definitely was prepared to text the boy. The boy he already knew the name of. The boy who makes fun of Taehyung without even knowing who he said those things to. The boy whom he caught feelings for a year ago.

"I'm screwed."


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Random question: Apart from BTS, do you stan any other groups?

My answer: I adore DAY6, Stray Kids, Everglow.

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