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Still December 6th - Saturday evening.

The pair had finished eating dinner, which was samgyeopsal (pork strips). Taehyung quickly learned how strong Jeongguk's love for the food was as the alpha had eaten the dish incredibly fast and sang a song as he ate. (y'all know what I'm talking about.)

Currently, Taehyung was snuggled up to Jeongguk, fast asleep. They were on Jeongguk's bed, changed into pyjamas. Jeongguk had seen Taehyung's bag that he brought, it was practically empty. He made a mental note to take the omega out shopping soon. The alpha's head perked up at the sound of his phone.

Who's texting me? He thought.

Joon: I'm sorry about Thursday, I didn't know he meant anything to you?

Jeongguk: He's my mate. You need to apologise to him.

Jeongguk sighed, switched his phone off and cuddled closely with the sleeping omega, feeling sleep overpower his want to stay awake.

December 7th - Sunday morning.

Taehyung seemed to be in a better mood than the previous day, probably due to not waking up with new bruises and cuts. The couple were currently eating breakfast with the alpha's mother, until said alpha had gotten a phone call.

"Ah, excuse me." Jeongguk said with an apologetic smile. He answered the phone call after he exited the dining room. "Hello?"

"Gguk, are you at home?" Namjoon asked. "Is Taehyung with you too?"

"Uh, yeah, but I don't think it would be a good time to come over." Jeongguk replied, not wanting anything to ruin Taehyung's good mood.

"I have Hobi and Jimin with me now, we feel bad Gguk. You know we wouldn't do anything to break your trust. Let us apologise." The elder pleaded, guilt evident in his voice.

"Fine, just don't bring anything up about him being my mate. He doesn't know." Jeongguk grumbled.

"What? How does he not know?"

"He isn't seventeen yet."

"Okay, we won't say anything. We'll be there in fifteen minutes."

Jeongguk replied with a 'hm' and hung up, walking back into the dining room to tell Taehyung that two people he was terrified of were coming over soon.

"Hey, um, Tae." The younger's head turned around to face the alpha, cheeks filled with pancakes to which Jeongguk couldn't help but release a small chuckle. "So, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin are coming over." Taehyung's face visibly paled and his eyes widened. "Don't worry, they're coming to apologise to you. They won't try anything, trust me. Don't be scared baby." At this moment, Jeongguk was glad Taehyung couldn't speak due to all the food he stuffed in his mouth, it gave him a chance to explain. The omega swallowed the food and nodded at Jeongguk.

"O-okay." Jeongguk smiled at the younger's response, happy he wasn't freaking out.

The pair moved to the couch in the living room, watching some random sit-com on the TV that neither of them were really paying attention. Was Taehyung nervous about meeting Jeongguk's friends? Absolutely. But he wanted Jeongguk to be happy, and maybe he could really get along with them. After around twenty minutes, the door bell echoed throughout the home, signalling that the other males had arrived.

"I'll get it!" Jeongguk yelled so his mother didn't have to. He opened the door with a small grin, yes he was disappointed about their actions but they were still his best friends you know? "Hey., what's up guys?" He pulled them in a short bro hug and let them inside.

"So, um, is Taehyung cool with us being here? No doubt he's probably scared." Hoseok asked nervously as he scratched the back of neck whilst Namjoon looked to side and bit his lip with slight anxiety.

"I talked to him, he's good to talk and be civil as long as you give him an apology." Jeongguk said, a small frown spread across his lips as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah that's fair." Jimin replied, grabbing Hoseok's arm and walking to the living room with Namjoon following closely behind, Jeongguk following them. The younger alpha cleared his throat to signal Taehyung that they were here. The omega's eyes slightly widened at the sight of the alphas.

"Um, Taehyung. We're so sorry about the way we treated you. It wasn't cool and I sincerely apologise. I hope you forgive us." Namjoon pleaded, genuine guilt evident throughout his tone.

"Yeah, it wasn't fair to take out anger and other issues out on you. I hope we can be friends since you're Jeongguk's m-" Hoseok was cut off by Jeongguk's hand slapping itself across his mouth.

"My magnanimous friend!" Jeongguk yelled. "Means nice and big-hearted hehe." He laughed nervously. Hoseok's eyes widened as he took Jeongguk's hand away from his mouth, realising what he almost spilled.

"Y-yeah that's what I was gonna say." Hoseok gave his hearty smile.

Even though these people caused Taehyung a lot of pain and fear, he felt strangely comfortable with them.


A few hours had passed of the boys getting to know one another, playing video games and soon the three alpha's had to leave, not without apologising to Taehyung and offering him a hug, to which he happily accepted.

"I didn't know they could actually be nice." Taehyung sighed, cuddling up to Jeongguk as they sat on the large sofa.

"They're good guys, just clouded with bad judgement and anger. I'm so proud of you baby for giving them a chance." Taehyung blushed at the nickname as Jeongguk leaned in and kissed Taehyung's temple. The pair cuddled for a while, contently listening to each other's heartbeats, breathing. That was until Taehyung felt something, a wave of sudden warmth spread throughout his body as his cheeks flushed.

Oh no.

Immediately, Taehyung knew what was going on. He bolted up, leaving Jeongguk alone and confused.

"Hey what's going on? Are you okay?" Jeongguk asked with worry, standing up to check the younger. Taehyung backed away from him as he nervously smiled.

"Y-yeah! Just t-tired." Taehyung stretched his arms above his head and very obviously faked a yawn. "I'm just gonna g-go to bed." And with that, Taehyung ran upstairs to Jeongguk's room and locked himself inside, not realising right away that it was the alpha's room. Jeongguk ran after him and continuously banged on the door.

"Taehyung! What is going on? Let me in my room!" Jeongguk continued pounding until it hit him.

Taehyung's scent. He's in heat.


(I completely forgot to upload this yesterday so it's a day late, oops 😅)

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Random question: What's your favourite animal?

My answer: Probably a giraffe.

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