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December 6th - Saturday.

Jeongguk laid on his back, immersed in the ceiling above him. It was plain, nothing interesting to look at. He sighed as he thought about Taehyung.

Why can't he just realise I'm his mate?

With no answer becoming visible anytime soon and his stress levels increasing, Jeongguk got off his bed and began exercising: push-ups to be exact. Most people have a method to decrease stress and for Jeongguk, it's exercise.

After a few minutes of impeding push-ups, the teenager instantly shot up to the sound of his maternal parent coughing in his door way.

"Aggressively exercising I see, what's going on honey?" His mother says, inviting herself in and gently sitting on the boys' messy bed. Jeongguk sighed, running his fingers through his raven hair and sitting next to his mom, realising he can never hide anything from his mother.

"I found my mate, mom."

"Who is she?" She replied, happy that her son found his mate before his 18th birthday.

"Uh...yeah, about that. It's a he." Jeongguk awkwardly shuffled. "He's still 16 so he doesn't realise we're mates."

"Oh, honey. He'll know eventually, surely his birthday isn't far away."

"He doesn't like me. I kinda used to pick on him with my friends. It was never too serious but I stopped when I found out he was my mate. The other day I saw Namjoon and Hoseok, my best friends, hitting him mom! It's driving me insane that I can't help him because he doesn't trust me."

"You're not mean to him now, just keep putting in the effort and he'll come to trust you sweetie." She says whilst hugging Jeongguk.


"Mom! Please stop!" Taehyung begged as his mother continued to hit the small boy harshly.

"I. Am. Not. Your. Mother. You stupid omega!" Taehyung's mother snarled back, grabbing an empty beer bottle and lazily throwing it at the boy, missing as she was too intoxicated.

Taehyung curled up in a protective ball in the corner of the room as his so-called mother continued to abuse him. After a few moments, his mother eventually became tired and walked over to the old, beaten-up couch, eventually collapsing and passing out due to the limit of alcohol. Soon enough, Taehyung slowly un-curled and painfully crawled to his almost abolished cell-phone that had fallen out of his pocket onto the floor once his mother started to beat him. Taehyung groaned in pain as the glass from the broken bottle pierced his stomach. He unlocked his phone and dialed the first number on his phone, which happened to be Jeongguk.


"Hello?" Jeongguk answered.

"J-Jeongguk." Taehyung gasped, the pain intensifying.

"Taehyung? Are you ok?" Jeongguk questioned.

"Can I stay at y-your house? P-please?" Taehyung asked, all of his will power going into trying not to cry.

"Uh, yeah, but why didn't you call Jin or uh...Yoongi, is it?"

"You were the first on my contacts, text me the address." Taehyung winced as he hung up and tried his best to muster up his strength and gather off the floor. He eventually stood up and managed to walk up the stairs to pack a small bag. Once he was in his room, he checked his phone to see that Jeongguk had messaged him his address.


"Hey, mom?" Jeongguk said as he peered around the kitchen wall, just enough to see his mother preparing their dinner.

"Yes, honey?" His mother replied.

"Can, um, my mate stay here for a while?" Jeongguk asked nervously, not sure of the answer he'll receive.

"Of course, honey. However, it might be helpful if you told me his name."

"I-it's Taehyung." Jeongguk replied, cringing as he stuttered.

"That's a pretty name." His mother smiled, delighted that she would finally meet her son's undisclosed mate.

"Ha, wait till you see his face." Jeongguk scoffed, his face then flushed a crimson colour as he didn't realise he said the words out loud.


Taehyung frantically ran around his small bedroom, fitting as many clothes as he could inside a small duffel bag. Whether he threw 5 pairs of socks and no shirts in the bag, he didn't know nor did he care. He just wanted to get out of the vicinity containing the demon whom he lived with. Once Taehyung was sure he had at least one complete outfit, he went to his bedroom door only to find out he was locked inside. The teenager slightly panics before he rushes towards his window, throwing the duffel bag across his body and opening the just big-enough window. The tree in front of the glass cage managed to catch Taehyung gracefully as he finally reached the safety of the ground beneath him. With one last look at his childhood home, Taehyung took out his phone to look at the address Jeongguk had sent him once again. After running for over 15 minutes, Taehyung had finally reached Jeongguk's house. Winded, he knocked on the door at least 3 times to make sure he was heard. The door opens only to show the tall boy stood in place, shocked.


"What the hell happened to you Tae?" Jeongguk asked, concern flooding his body.

The smaller boy had a big cut on his lip in which it was bleeding quite steadily. His left eye blackened with bruise, the right side of his shirt dampened with his blood and the green-blue marks covered every limb. On contrary to Jeongguk showing care and concern, Taehyung slowly begins to break. One, two, then a never-ending stream of tears left the boys brown eyes as he fell down to his knees. The pain becoming too much.

Jeongguk instantly wraps his arms around the undisclosed omega, almost as if it was an instinct. Figuring the boy was not going to stop crying any time soon, the alpha grabbed Taehyung's thighs and lifted him up. With legs wrapped around his waist, Jeongguk walked back inside his home. He coughs lightly to alert his mother. She turned around quickly, ready to hug Taehyung with all her strength however the scene she was met with only caused her to show worry for the boy in her son's arms. Jeongguk tilted his head in the direction of the stairs. His mother nodded, thankfully knowing what her son meant.

The alpha gently placed the slightly calmer omega on his bed, sliding next to him only for Taehyung to crawl back onto his lap. Jeongguk started to softly stroke the younger's thigh, in attempt to sooth the boy.

"What happened, baby?" Jeongguk asked, worry laced throughout his voice as he continued to console Taehyung. The younger decided it was time he told someone, happy it was Jeongguk as he fully trusted him for some reason.

"M-my mom. She h-hits m-me." Taehyung stuttered, a huge weight lifted off of his shoulders in relief. He finally did it, he told someone. The soothing touches on his thighs halted as Jeongguk clenched his fist in pure anger. How dare someone hurt his mate? A parent, no less. What the fuck, the older thought.

"Why?" Jeongguk asked with gritted teeth.

"B-because I'm an o-omega." Taehyung was on a roll, 2 secrets were revealed within a span of 5 minutes.

A long pause of silence followed after, Taehyung wondered if he made a mistake.

"P-please don't hate me t-too." Taehyung begged, tears beginning to well up in his eyes once again. Jeongguk's eyes widened as he realised he hadn't said anything. He wasn't mad, he was overjoyed. His male mate was an omega, it worked out perfectly.

"I could never hate you Taehyung." Jeongguk pulled the boy closer and rubbed his back as Taehyung began to cry again, feeling overwhelmed with all the feelings he felt at once.

"T-thank you."


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Random question: How do you deal with stress?

My answer: I usually scream into a pillow or hit something.

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