The Magic Necklace

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Previously on escape the night the guests went to the ice kingdom and faced the ice queen to get the last diamond. Luna and Jess had to fight to save Violet and Leon and Luna failed to save Violet, but then Luna died in a twist and the rest got the last diamond, but got tricked by the sorceress.

The guests woke up in the tower. They realized they all had one hand chained up to the wall.

Jess - This just went around in a circle. Leon and I were in the exactly the same position on the beginning of the night.

"Where are we?" Violet asked.
"In the tower. That Jess and I were locked in before. When you had to save us." Leon said. "But it looks like there's something new on the wall next to you, Jess." Leon said as Violet pulled a chest to her with her feet.
"It needs two numbers to unlock." Violet announced.

Leon - We were all working together and solving clues to get us out of that tower. No one can save us this time.

Then Jess read: "Who's name was on 'The Kill List' who wasn't dead at the time?"
"It was me and..." Violet started.
"Monaka." Leon jumped in to help.
"But those aren't numbers." Jess said.
"They are if we turn them into numbers." Leon said and smiled. "Try 6, 6." Leon added. Violet tried the combination and the chest opened. There was a key and a note in there. Violet unlocked her chains and then unlocked Leon' and Jess'.
"You will have to get the necklace from the attic where the sorceress hid it. Then you will have to go to the kitchen and wash it in warm water to get any evil off of it. Then one of you will have to put it on and say: 'Evil be gone!' three times." Violet read.

Jess - Easy enough. But there's always a catch. If the ninjas or the sorceress see us, we die.

The guests crept sneakily, but quickly to the attic.
"I think I heard something!" The sorceress shouted so that it was ringing through the whole house. The guests entered the attic.

Violet - There were boxes on boxes and things on things. But we didn't have a lot of time so we had to find it.

They started searching everywhere. In boxes, under stuff, behind boxes. Then a ninja entered the attic and everyone hid behind boxes. The ninja walked around a bit and when he didn't find anybody he left.
Then Violet opened a box and it had another glass box inside it. The glass box had the necklace inside of it.

Jess - Damn. She wanted to protect that necklace like it was her own. AND GUESS WHAT, IT'S NOT HERS. IT'S OURS! WE GOT IT FAIR AND SQUARE! OUR FRIENDS DIED FOR THAT DAMN NECKLACE!

Leon tried smashing the glass, but couldn't.
"The glass is too thick to break with my own strength." Leon said.

Leon - And we all know that I'm not exactly the strongman.

"We need a hammer." Leon added and Violet nodded.

Violet - Why is there always a catch. Like, damn.

Then they started opening and moving more boxes. Again a ninja showed up and everyone hid. Soon the ninja left and then Jess found the hammer behind a box in the corner. She took it and smashed the glass box.

Leon - Damn. She wants to get out of there quickly.

Jess grabbed the necklace.
"Let's go." She said pointing to the exit of the attic. Then they went down one by one and were met by the sorceress and a ninja.
"Run!" Leon said and they started running and went into the closest room and closed the door.
"Let's block the door." Violet suggested.
"Good idea." Leon said and then he pushed a cabinet in front of the door.
"There's no way out now!" They heard the sorceress from the other side of the door.

Jess - We're trapped.

"How the hell do we get out of here now?" Jess asked.

Violet - I realized that there were lots of windows. We can reach the ground through at least one.

"Let's try going through the windows." Violet suggested. The others nodded. They started opning the windows and checking through which ones they could get out. Then Jess found one that was perfect.
"Guys, let's go through this one." She said. Jess went down first, then Violet and Leon went down last.

Leon - We got outside ans we realized that we're on the wrong side of the house. The kitchen all the way in the front.

Violet - Now we just have to make it through the house to the kitchen without getting killed.

They tried going outside, but soon noticed that there were too many ninjas outside and not enough hiding spots. They had to sneak through the hallways and rooms of the house. The sorceress found them again and they had to hide in the theater room between all of the chairs.

Jess - This is just way too stressful for my brain to handle. We are constantly running away from death. I mean, we've been doing that the whole night, but it got intense right now.

Violet - I just wanna go home and sleep. I haven't slept the whole night and I'm tired.

"You can't escape! I'll kill you sooner or later!" The sorceress kept shouting things out. Then they stood up from their crouching positions and started sneaking down the hallway. Then Jess accidentally dropped the necklace and it rolled down the hallway. She had to go back and get it. When she finally grabbed it a ninja showed up and she had to hide in one of the rooms alone, while Leon and Violet entered the same room.

Leon - My legs are killing me. Better my legs than the ninjas.

When the hallway cleared up they met up again.
"Shit. I almost just died." Jess said.
"But you didn't. So that's good." Violet said. They hugged. "Let's kill that bitch." She added and Leon and Jess smiled at her.
They finally made it to the kitchen.

Jess - That took forever to get to the damn kitchen.

Jess then put the necklace in the sink and turned the hot water on. After some time they felt a light earthquake.
"That's the evil falling apart." Leon reassured. "You know what? Let's go to the backyard and call the sorceress there. I wanna see that bitch die." Leon said and the others nodded happily.

Violet - That bitch is gonna pay for killing my friends.

Violet grabbed the necklace and they ran to the backyard.
"Hey! Look at us!" The three of them kept shouting so that everyone could hear them. They made it to the backyard and soon the sorceress showed up.
"You're dead!" She said.
"Wrong answer. You're dead." Violet said and held up the necklace. Then she put it on. "Evil be gone! Evil be gone! Evil be gone!" She said and the sorceress started melting.
"Noooo!" Were the sorceress' last words. Then the ninjas also disappeared with the evil.
"Oh my god. We did it." Jess said and they hugged. Then they went to the front door that was finally open and exited.

Jess - We did it, but so many innocent people died for nothing.

"I can't believe we're out of that hellhole." Violet said.

Violet - I survived for all of my dead friends. No one deserved to die and I am glad I could at least avenge them.

Leon - I survived again and I don't wanna do this ever again. I am not proud that I lost so many friends again.

They walked off into the morning.

Well, this is it. That's the end of season two. Congratulations to the survivors Violet20307 and jmolcliff. Soon I'm gonna do some extra chapters. Just for fun.💚

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