Finding out

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"Shit" I whispered as I looked down at the pregnancy test. It was positive.lots of things rushed through my mind like "what would brooklyn say" what would David and Victoria say" I couldn't believe I was pregnant,I'm only 15 and I would never in a million years have an abortion so I was having this baby but weather or not to give it up for adoption was a whole different story. My trembling hands picked up the phone and dialled Brooklyns number. "Hello babe" his husky voice boomed through the phone. "Hey babe where are you" I asked. "Still in my meeting for Adidas" he replied. "When do you think you'll be home" I asked,chewing my thumb nail. "I dunno not till about 8". "Okay see you then babe" I said. "See ya babe" and before that I was listening to the dialling tone. I ran my fingers through my hair as a tear dropped down onto my cheek. I tried to think back to when me and brooklyn last had sex. It must've been about 9 weeks ago but we definetly used protection. I tried to think in my head how to tell him but it was so difficult. I knew deep down that brooklyn wanted kids but certainly not at this age, especially when his careers talking off. Before I could think I heard the door open "babe" brooklyn called. FUCK,he's home early!! O

3 years later
It was a cold Sunday morning and I was talking my twins brook and vic to nursery when I got stopped by a stranger who asked for directions. As I spoke to the man the twins were tugging on my arm as someone had approached them. Once the man was gone I turned round and froze...I couldn't believe who was standing next to the twins...BROOKLYN?!?! I looked at him for a couple of minutes before he said "hey"...HEY,HEY DOES HE THINK ITS OKAY TO LEAVE ME 15 AND PREGNANT WITH TWINS AND WITH NO MONEY?!?! I tried hard not to burst out into tears before confronting him. "Do you think it's ok to come up to me after 3 years and say hey after you left me when you found out I was pregnant?" "Babe I'm really sorry I feel awful and want to make it up to you..I'm older,maturer and wiser and we can be a happy family just in time for christmas" he replied. I looked deep into his eyes and screamed "NO THATS NO OK" I then grabbed the twins's hands and stormed off.

I'll update it tommrow,got to study xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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