16- Confused

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Chapter 16


If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.

Claire's POV

I woke up to a white ceiling with a breathing mask over my face. My mind was cloudy but when it cleared up I instantly remembered what happened. I turned my head and there was a nurse cleaning up some stuff. Taking the mask off I greeted the nurse.

"Hi" I whispered. The nurse jumped out of fright but calmed down when she turned towards me. She gave me a sympathetic smile but I held up a hand. "Don't do that, I don't need sympathy, I'm fine" I said in a more clearer voice. She turned back to what she was doing then handed me a glass of water.

"You were in a coma for about 9 months, I heard that you saved a baby from getting shot" I shrugged my bad shoulder on accident and bit my lip trying to conceal the pain that flew through my body.

"I was just doing my job, though if the others had come fast enough I probably would have been only shot once" I said taking another sip of water. "Wait a minute 9 months?!"

"Yes, and I've never seen anyone so worried before, the Black Widow and Hawkeye are suppose to be emotionless from what I was told." I nodded putting down the glass.

"They are...hey are you new?" I assumed.

"Is it that obvious?" She joked. I nodded again.

"Most nurses don't make conversation with someone who can snap their neck" The nurse smiled thinking I was joking.

"I'll let the doctor know you're awake" she said, then left the room and shut the door behind her.

"Newbie" I mumbled. "My lucky day" My normal doctors or nurses wouldn't leave me alone in a room for even a second. Especially when I'm eager to get out. I quickly shut off the machine that was connected to my IV and took the IV out of my arm. I scanned the room for some decent clothes and when I found some I hurriedly put them on. I stepped out of the room and into the hall I didn't have any shoes, but I didn't care. I painfully marched my way down to my room and slipped inside. I took a shower and quickly put on a suit and redid my hair. After I was satisfied I went up to Coulson's office. I knocked on his door and when I heard a voice say "come in" I stepped inside. Coulson was in fact not in the office but Agent Swarez was. There were boxes all around but me having just woken up I assumed it was just some cleaning.

"You're supposed to be in a coma" He said unamused.

"And you're supposed to not care" I remarked. "what's up?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed.

"Claire, I think you should go and rest before we talk"

"Oh I see how it is so they thought I would still be in a coma and gave my assignment to someone else. Well good news I'm awake now, no need to worry" I said nonchalantly. Coulson's phone started ringing and Swarez picked it up as expected it was the medic. I had time to take a shower and redo my hair, they are just now realizing that I'm gone?

"She's with me" He said, then hung it up. He wasn't fazed by this, it had happened plenty of times before. He turned her attention back to me and continued to speak. "Your rest is more important. You're parents don't know it but their worried about you. A month ago there was talk about shutting off life support. Romanoff put three nurses in the hospital before they could even step into the room. By the way Agent Simon is very pissed at you" I rolled my eyes, that's what happens when you're parents are master assassins and their memories are taken away but their feelings aren't.

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