1- Something to prove

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Chapter 1

Something to prove

Claire's POV

After training the rookies, I met up with Agent Hill and listened intently to what she was saying. You see I'm the youngest agent at SHIELD and I've been here for as long as I can remember. My parents are Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff, I've been told they had to get their memories wiped of me so that I wouldn't affect what they think or feel on their missions.  It sucks but it is what it is.

Agent Hill and I were walking to the briefing room where I was going to be briefed by Agent Coulson. Apparently I was 'assigned' to join Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton (AKA my mom and dad) on a long term mission.

"...When speaking to the Black Widow, address her as 'Agent Romanoff' or 'Romanoff'. Unless you are Agent Barton, calling her 'Nat' or 'Tasha' will very likely result in injuries SHIELD will not cover. Also, do not question their relationship. If it were any of your business you would know." (-Tumblr!! I do not own this or any others marked "Tumblr" I just couldn't resist😬)

"Noted." I wasn't interested in their relationship. Most are complicated and theirs is. I'd rather not get involved, though I am a big part of it.

"Please do not touch or play with Agent Barton's bow, you will regret it most likely painfully." (Tumblr)

"Good to know," I said nodding.

"And one last thing, Agent Barton's code name is Haweye so don't, under any circumstance mistake 'Hawkeye' for 'Hot Guy' when Agent Romanoff is in earshot." (Tumblr) I looked at her with a grossed-out expression and refrained from gagging. Maria knows me better than that, She'd been taking care of me when I couldn't take care of myself.

"Gross! You know the secret, why would you even say something like that?!" I whisper shouted.

"Doesn't matter, don't make that mistake." We were about to turn a corner when I stopped in my tracks at the sound of sobbing. I turned to my left to see a girl, probably my age, crying her eyes out. She looked helpless and scared and I hate seeing people that way.

"Who's that?" I questioned.

"That is Kylie Sanders, her parents were SHIELD agents. They were found in their living room...hanging from the ceiling...by their necks." I walked towards the girl and sat in the chair next to her. When she realized I was sitting next to her, her eyes widened in fear and she tried moving away from me. Thats when I realized she was cuffed to a chair.

"Hi, you're Kylie right?" I said in a soft voice."You look tired, calm down. My name is Claire but others call me Agent Valentine." She was still shaking with fear. I glanced over at Maria and she tapped her watch motioning me to hurry up.

I looked deeply into Kylie's eyes and continued to speak softly. "Listen, I know you're scared. You don't know where you are or why you're here, but you have to understand that we are trying to protect you, alright?" She nodded looking back into my eyes. "Good." She stopped crying and sat in the uncomfortable chair patiently but still shook slightly from fear. Agent Swarez came out of the room Kylie was sitting next to and went to un-cuff her. When he did I put a hand on his shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"After she's debriefed take her to Agent Simon. Tell her that I need her to take care of Kylie for a moment." Swarez nodded and continued doing his job. I began to walk with Agent Hill again feeling a bit accomplished. It's not everyday I get to help people by simply talking to them instead of just taking them out.

We stopped in front of a room and I could just barely see the three figures through the glass window on the door. I took a deep breath to control the many emotions I was feeling. "You ready?" Agent Hill asked.

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