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so. toni has a little sister and she absolutely loves cheryl. just keep reading for more details (sad btw) :(

Cheryls POV
im at toni's trailer with her little sister, emily. we were just playing snd she fell asleep on me. shes literally mini toni. shes the most sweetest person in the world! she's adorable and pretty funny. as toni is coming home from a serpent meeting i try waking up emily. "ems, ems, ems!!' i whisper yell. she gets up and rubs her eyes. "what cher?" she asks me. she has a voice of an angel. "you fell asleep again bubba." i giggled. i call her bubba because she likes it. and shes a total baby. "come on toni is coming home and you should be awake right?" i poke her making her giggle. "yeah" she laughs. we get up and walk to the living room and get a blanket. we sit on the couch and watch 'the office'. we laughed alot.

emilys POV
i love cheryl so much oh my god! shes like, my other sister. but that would be weird because my sister is dating her and calling her my sister would be weird. im just confused now. as we keep watchingg the office my head is on her lap. and toni knocked on the door then came in. "oh hey tones" cheryl said giving a peck on tonis lips. "hey t" i smile while giving her a fist bump. "hey em, having fun?" she asks. "oh definitely your a lucky one tones" i smile. her and cheryl giggles. "was she hyper much cher?" toni asks cheryl. "actually no. she was a perfect angle" cheryl kisses my forehead which made me smile. "toni im stealing your girlfriend." i laugh. "oh no your not." toni says tickling me. "s- s- stop! o- ok ok" i laugh while she stops. "thats right hm" she giggles. "its about 11:34pm right now. we should be going to sleep." cheryl says as she turns off the TV. "goodnight angel." cheryl kisses my forehead and so does toni. "thanks!! i love you guys goodnight!!" i have a big smile. i kiss both of their cheeks and gave them hugs. as i went to bed and went to sleep. they are the best!!

a week later

tonis POV
"toni toni pleasee!!" emily begs me for her to go to a serpent meeting with me. "you have to stay. you might get hurt emily." she says crouching down and tapping my shoulder. "but please!" she begs more. "come on. ill be back in a hour. im sorry cheryl couldnt make it." i tell her. cheryl was out shopping she told me yesterday so i didnt want to ruin anything for her. "ok fine.." she sighs. "sorry kido." i kiss her forehead and walk out the door. "be save ans have fun em!" i yell as i close the door. "i will!" she yells back.
as about 30 minutes into the serpent meeting i hear some noises from outside. "hey guys what the hell is that?" i ask everyone. they go to the window to look. "i think.. thats a ghoulie!" sweetpea says. "wait. theyre by tonis trailer." jughead says. "EMILY IS IN THERE!" i yell. as they go in. i run outside with fangs and sweetpea following me. i hear groaning and 'stop please' from outside. i bust the door open and see that emily was on the floor with a black eye and her hand by her kidney. "em are you okay?!" i ask her. "my kidney it hurts take me to the hospital please!" she cries. i look at sweetpea and fangs and i carry her to fang's truck. "hold on baby. hold on please." she nods her head in response. i call cheryl

cheryls POV
As i was shopping in the mall with veronica i got a call from toni. "hold on v let me get this." i say to veronica as she looks at a dress. she nods.

"hey toni whats up?"
"baby there is no time to explain but come to the hospital right now please emily has been in an accident!"
"omg i will be there i promise. i love you."
"i love you to. ok bye"

she hangs up. i run to veronica "veronica we need to go to the hospital right now!" i cried. "ok ok!" veronica said. as we ran out the store and to veronicas car. "go faster!" i yell. "cheryl i cant" veronica says but i cut her off "no! go faster!" i yell as she goes faster. we arrived at the hospital and i i saw toni. i looked back at veronica and she nodded and left. "babe are you ok?" i ask her. "the doctors say that she might not make it tonight. because of her kidney and they are looking for people that can donate." toni says as she cries into my chest. "ill do it" i whisper in her ear. "cheryl. no they are still looking and and" i shush her. "i will do it toni. here." i tell her giving her a note. "give that to emily ok." i grab her hand. "baby. i love you so so so much. i really do. but i need to do this. after what all youve done for me i need to do this okay?" she nods in disagreement. "no j cannot let you do that." she cries. "doctor! over here! i will donate my kidney to emily topaz!" i yell. "oh thats great thank you. we will prepare you for surgery. "doc, can i have some binder paper and a pencil real quick please?" i ask the doctor. "yes of course." he hands me the binder paper and the pencil i write down everything about toni front and back. then i made one for emily as well. "here toni. take it." i give it to her. she leans in as i kiss her slowly then slowly pulling away. "goodbye my love." i say. "i love you." she says. "me to." i say as they take me away in a bed.

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