sad? idk also kinda a rant

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I don't know what this feeling is
I want to do everything
but nothing at the same time
I have so much energy
but no energy at all
I am on the verge of tears
but no tears race down my face

I need to work
but I don't
I need to practice
but I don't
I should talk to people
but I don't

it is 10:16 pm and I feel empty
like the world around me is moving
but I am not moving with it
like I am going backwards
while the world is moving forward

I haven't been myself lately
I have been easily irritated,
and hopeless

but not in a dangerous way
kinda in the way of when a puppy is lost
safe even though it doesn't know
where it's at or where it's going
but that's alright,
I will find my way

I can't stand my family,
my brother gets everything he ever wants
while I get Jack shit
I have to do so many things,
jump through so many hoops
to go anywhere or do anything.
I can't watch TV without having
everything in my life perfect.
I can't go anywhere until,
I have walked my dog,
cleaned my room,
and any other things my
cruel mother makes me do

I have developed a routine.
wake up.
take meds.
open windows.
eat breakfast.
feed dog.
get ready for walk.
walk dog.
make up.
blow dry hair.
put accessories on.
straighten hair.


I don't know if that is
what is making me feel
or if it's just my mind.

I want to cry it out
and I've tried
but the things that have made tears
pour out my eyes,
no longer do.
have I matured?
have I moved on?
I don't know.
I can't figure it out
and that's what scares me.
Why don't I cry when I think of my dad
when I think of how horrible I'm being treated.
oh, I guess I've grown immune to it.
It is apart of my everyday life,
and it is sad that it is,
but that's just how it is.

I don't know,
after this I might have a huge cry sesh
or a try and cry sesh.
but nothing is really wrong at the moment,
nothing that isn't MY normal.

I don't know,
it is 10:28; goodnight.

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