Chapter 9: The Escape

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"Theres also one more thing i want." David said as he looks at Malaysia as she glares at him assuming something is going to be bad.

"And what is it , David?" Jessy asked as David smirks with an evil stare.

"I want that girl to be mine." David said as he points at Malaysia as she looks scared at the situation.

"Fine then!" Jhon said as Malaysia starts to shout coplaints about this as David was now jumping from joy. Malaysia wants to die at that moment right now.

"Theres no way your going to make me yours!!!" Malaysia protested as David looks at her with an innocent smile on his face.

"Well , if you don't there will be consequences~!" Jessy said a little creepy as the other nations looks at her confused.

"And what are these consequences?" Spain demanded as Jessy , Jhon and David all smirks at them.

"The consequences are for you to die or for your country will be in our command or make you suffer!" Jessy announced assuming that they can't refuse when the consequences are this bad to resist.

"So what is your answer?" Jhon asked them as all of them looks at the floor with gloomy expressions.

"Well , then if you won't answer immediately maybe we will do something to make you talk. Rachel!" Jessy said then called out Rachel's name as Rachel immediately understoods what she's going to do.

Rachel is starting to walk towards to some controllers. Jessy gave them a victorious smirk. Rachel reached the computers and was about to press a button , but the keyboard began to spark and it made a tiny explotion. Jessy and the others went to the monitor to see what happened.

"What happened?" Jessy asked as she walks over to Rachel as she looks at Jessy with an emotionless expression.

"I'm not quite sure but the monitor just suddenly acted strange." Rachel said as she steps back a little then they heard a sound coming outside like an explosion and it keeps going again and again as the sound became worse.

"Everybody! Go and see what's going on outside!" Ashley commanded as all of the soldiers obeyed.

"Rachel , i need you to stay here and keep an eye on them , okay?" Jessy said as Rachel nods.

"Okay , i will." Rachel said as they went outside and it was only the countries and her. Rachel went towards them and went behind Malaysia as she takes out a knife and cuts her rope apart and took off the chains. The other countries was confused why she is doing this.

"W-why are you helping us?" Ireland asked as Rachel went behind Japan and cuts his rope apart aswell.

"It's because theres a girl that needs your help and i want to atleast help a little." Rachel said blushing a little but she hid it. The countries smiled at her.

"So you're the one that made those explotions and you sabotage the monitors?" Belarus asked as Rachel was surprised that Belarus find out right away but then nods her head.

When all of the countries are now free , they thanked Rachel and asked her if she wants to go with them but Rachel refused because she got better things to do but she will guide them outside.

"But we're still not leaving without Maria!" Belgium said as she was about to open the door.

"Don't worry. She's with someone that will help her escape." Rachel said knowing that Lucas is already taking her somewhere. The countries felt a little relieved as for Japan , he knows who this person is.

"Thank you so much , Rachel-chan." Japan said to Rachel as she said it was no big deal at all.

~With Maria~

They ran outside the dungeon and ran to where the exit were. When they were about to turn a corner some guards were standing there talking with each other.

"So where are we going to start looking for her?" One of the soldiers asked as Lucas and Maria knows exactly what or who they are talking about. They stayed there hiding from them and eavesdrop on their conversation and also waited for them to go away since that was the way outside the castle.

When the guards moved away from there spot , Lucas peeks out if the coast is clear. He gave a signal to Maria saying that it is clear to go.

"Okay , let's go before they come back." Lucas said running a little as Maria follow behind him.

~With the other cpuntries~

They are now running inside a long hallway following Rachel. They sometimes stop if they are any guards spotted. When they turned to a corner Rachel bumped into someone as they fall back on their butts as they close their eyes. The two opens their eyes.

"Lucas!/Rachel!" The two teenagers said at the same time as the countries saw Maria they hugged her immediately. Maria hugged them back not minding the pain on her whole body when they hugged her. They stop from hugging and saw that she has bruises everywhere as. . . . . . .
They start to panick.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! WHO DID THIS TO MY LITTLE SISTER!!!!"Indonesia shouted as all the countries covers their ears as Lucas looks around to see if someone heard them but there was no sign of someone coming as he sights in relief as the countries asked Maria a ton of questions.

They all stop when they heard footsteps coming their way so they hurridly went to the way to the exit as the countries follows Rachel and Lucas. They saw the door and when they about to proceed running towards it but they heard a voice that belongs to Jessy and the others.

Rachel peeked as Lucas was ontop of her head then Taiwan was ontop of Lucas' head and Macau was ontop of Taiwan's head then Portugal's head was ontop of Macau's head and then
Netherland's head was ontop of Portugals head as they see who's there and listen to what their talking about.

Rachel went to a storage room nearby as the other countries thinks of a plan to escape. Rachel went outside the storage room with many weapons. The countries saw her bringing them as Rachel gives them weapons one by one like kinds of Swords , kinds of guns and other things like bombs and smoke bombs.

India throws the smoke bomb infront of the people who are talking as it start to release the smoke from it and the Supreme 8 notices the smoke as they look around to find if anyone is there but found nothing because the smoke is already surrounding them.

The countries all ran to the door and open it to see the fighting of each countries soldier. All of the countries all ran and said to retreat. All of them retreated since they have Philippines with them. They reached the boats and China got a controller as he press the red button then the Evil Empire land collapses. They all sight in relief and cheered that they got Maria back. They reached Philippines as Maria thanked them all for saving her.

All of them came to her and hugged her tightly as Maria once again thanked them over and over again. The countries sweat drops at her because of her continues apologies. All the countries said goodbye since it was getting dark Rachel and Lucas stayed at Maria's place for now. They all had a wonderful time together but Maria can't help that something bad is going to happen on the next day.

They all went to bed peacefully sleeping. Rachel slept at a guest room and Lucas slept at another guest room. Maria was in her room not knowing somebody came in and it seems that this person seems to be a guy. He came closer to Maria and knewls down as he caress Maria's cheek and smile warmly. The person stood up then kissed her forehead as he exits Maria's home.


Hi guys~!!!!!

I hope you love my story and thank you for the likes and the support~!!! I promise to do my best to amke my story more satisfying and fun for you guys and i hope that you enjoy reading my story.


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