Chapter 20: Ransom of Love

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Young Bae pulled over in his white Rolls Royce and was quickly stopped by Jiyong and Seungri. They immediately forced their way in his car and ordered him to step on the gas and go. Although the getaway van is nowhere in sight, they will still roam around the city in the hope of finding it.

“Palli! Dara’s been kidnapped!” Jiyong screamed.

“Whatever guys. Trying to be an actor now? You can’t fool me.” Young Bae smirked.

“Step on the fucking gas if you want to live!” Seungri’s eyes are scary as hell. He looks like he’s ready to kill anyone that gets in his way.

He quickly accelerated the car and shifted into high gear when Seungri started pulling his mohawk like a deranged fan girl.

"Okay! Okay! I believe you guys! Now stop pulling my fucking hair or we're all gonna die!" 

“I swear I will never forgive myself if anything happens to Dara.” Jiyong said while desperately scanning the streets of Seoul for the black van.

“It’s all my fault. I texted her to come at 9:00 AM sharp and she did. For the first time she wasn’t late and this happened!” Jiyong raked his hair in frustration and wiped away his tears.

Young Bae can see the desperation and terror in his best friend’s eyes. Where are you Dara?

“Hyung.” Seungri called Jiyong, fear evident in his eyes. He just finished talking on the phone with his associates, trying to find some information as to who would’ve done this but he came up empty. In their organization, they have an unbreakable rule that if you want revenge, you can never involve an innocent life in the underground's activities.

“My sources came up empty. They have no idea as to who will kidnap Noona.” Seungri balled his hands into a fist. He doesn’t want this feeling of the unknown.  

"I'm afraid whoever did this is desperate, for they know what wrath will befall upon them if they cross the Lee Clan, and they still did it." Seungri exclaimed in a grave tone. This is bad...really bad. He thought.


President Psy just finished talking to Jiyong and formed his own special task force. He already sent bodyguards to protect Bom but she refused them, screaming some things like “No one should know”, “Police must not get involved”. Bom must’ve put up one hell of a fight because they came back with bruises and bald patches on their heads.

They informed him that Bom took off in her red Ferrari, clutching a brown package, heading away from SMYG Building.

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