Final Chapter: Made for Each Other? Part 1

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Dara picked up her box of personal items from the floor as she fondly looked at her place one last time. It all seems so fast but this is what she wanted. She wanted the transition to be quick and final.

She sighed with melancholy as she embraces the box of pictures and sentimental items that she plans to take with her to New York. She trailed her fingers on the pieces of furniture now covered in white sheet as she walked towards the end of the hallway.

I guess this is it. I’m really moving on and leaving the ‘old me’ and all that I ever knew behind. She thought, as she paused, gripping the house keys in her hand and reluctantly handing them over to the realtor waiting by the door.

“I can’t believe you are selling everything Dara sshi.” The realtor shook his head in disbelief. “Good luck in New York, Dara sshi. What a big change it’s going to be, neh?” He smiled as he put up the ‘FOR SALE’ sign outside Dara’s door.

Dara nodded coldly.

“Well, I guess this is good bye.” She bowed, trying to end the uncomfortable conversation. She took a deep breath and started walking away, forcing herself not to look back.  “Change is good… change is good.” She whispered, as she went to the parking garage to get her car for the last time.

Jiyong is practically flying on the freeway of Seoul as he hits over the 120 mph mark in the speedometer of his car. There’s only one thing on his mind right now and that’s to find Dara. He zoomed past every driver with ease as he makes his way to Dara’s condominium.

He wasted no time as he exited the freeway.  He’s now a mile away from Dara’s home, his heart already set on making her stay. He quickly turned to her street and parked his car nearest to the entrance. He took a deep breath and was about to get out of the car when his phone started ringing.

He paused and took his phone out of his pocket. His face darkened when looked at the screen and saw that Kiko is calling.

He hastily answered it. “YOU’VE GOT SOME NERVE TO F*CKING CALL ME AFTER WHAT YOU’VE DONE!” Jiyong angrily screamed, his eyes are burning with rage. He tightly grips the steering wheel with one hand as he tries to stop himself from punching anything that he can touch.

“Jiyong…I’m so sorry.” Kiko sobbed. “I don’t know what happened. I did what you told me to do but I myself was surprised when I heard that she’s moving away to New York.” Kiko whimpered as she lied about what really happened yesterday.

“I DON’T F*CKING BELIEVE YOU! I’M NO FOOL KIKO!” Jiyong raked his hair as he angrily screamed over the phone. His eyes turned into slits and his hands shook uncontrollably.

Kiko panicked. She bit her lower lip, trying to find a way to soothe Jiyong’s anger. “Jiyong, please believe me. You know me right? I told her the truth…that you pushed me away when I kissed you that night…that it was all me…that it’s over between us…and that you only want to be friends with me.” Kiko gritted her teeth as she suppresses her tears, trying hard to make Jiyong believe her.

Jiyong shook his head and bitterly spoke in disgust. “STOP ACTING LIKE I DON’T HAVE A F*CKING BRAIN BECAUSE I WILL NEVER BELIEVE YOUR LIES, YOU TWO- FACED B!TCH!” Jiyong screamed as he punches the steering wheel with his fist. He’s angry that he trusted Kiko to correct her mistake. He’s angry at himself for letting things get out of hand.

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