Chapter 8

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Lauren POV

I grab my books out of my locker and walk to class. I don't know what's going on, but I've felt down since Saturday night.

I felt such a high when I heard Camila singing words I wrote. So what happened? Trying to think back to it all I remember is she talked about Austin. Why would that cause this funk?

Whatever it is, I need to figure it out before I'm completely losing my mind. At lunch I sit where I normally do. Everyone is doing their normal thing and I keep my head down.

"Why are you so gloomy?" Curt puts his arm around my shoulders.

I move them to make his arm fall off. I open my mouth and get ready to talk when I hear a scream come out and it wasn't from me.

"What the hell?" I question Megan. This seems to be a common occurrence lately.

She hands me her phone. Oh boy what did Camila Cabello say today to make her freak the hell out? I look at the phone. "Do you notice anything?" She asks.

I look at the tweets and nothing pops out. "No. You might want to show me exactly why you flew off the coup."

She clicks on her phone and a picture loads. "Your meet and greet picture is her display picture."

The picture is of me in the outfit similar to what I wore Saturday. I have my tongue sticking out and she is on my back making the duck lips.

"Not a bad picture." I comment.

Megan's eyes get huge. "That should be me! She doesn't even follow you on Twitter."

Wow really? "Sorry?" I don't' know what she wants me to say. "I'm going to get some air."

I grab my stuff and go to the area outside that we are allowed. I take a seat on the grass and mess with it. What is going on inside this head of mine?

I get on my phone and go to Camila's display. I save the picture. I go to instagram and saw it's posted on there as well, but it's in a collage of four. I take these will be the pictures I will eventually get in the mail.

I look at the comments under the pictures.

Fan goals ---- Jealous --- Ew sick --- why did she get so lucky ----- I hate her --- who wears beanies to a Meet and Greet ---- What a whore ----

Wow so much hatred. I go to Twitter and send out a tweet.

@Lauren - People should realize the impact of their words. Ouch.

The next couple of days went by fast. I haven't seen or talk to Camila. For what it's worth she hasn't talked to me either, until now.

Camila: Can I see you before I leave?

Lauren: Sure... When do you leave?

Camila: Tomorrow morning.

Lauren: Wow okay.

Camila: Come here or meet me somewhere?

Lauren: I'll come there in about ten minutes

Camila: Alright see you soon.

I exit my window and walk towards the gated house. I was about ten feet away when a familiar car dives up.

"What are you doing?" Megan ask through her rolled down window.

Great. "Just on a walk."

"Get in!" She demands.

I look at the gate and back at Megan. "I rather walk."

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