Part 1: Meeting the king

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In hopes to enhance and ensure that everyone receives a pleasurable reading experience, this current chapter and later has/going/currently been rewritten and illustrated.

This has been something a team of people have worked towards, and we would appreciate that everyone moving forward refrain from inappropriate comments and general idiocy.

Any new comments with any hate towards a ship, or an uncouth joke about it will be deleted and you will be blocked from viewing this work.

The same applies to the art.

Thank you.

-The KLB team.


"Well, this is unfortunate."

"God (Y/N), I'm sorry...The girls and I thought it would be best if we retired the team for the season."

The entire season.

Yui Michimiya, a relatively small individual with charming brown hair, and a lean build.

Very pretty.

The former captain of Karasuno's girl's volleyball team, and your neighbor.

"I tried to get the girls to come around, but they've skipped practice so much...I'm afraid we're well out of condition now."

You sighed heavily, a of feeling defeat setting in.

"That's it?" You echoed, no longer making an effort to hide your disappointment.

This figures.

Right when I was granted liberation of course.

"Well that's that." You groan, giving a disheartened wave to the former Captain.

"See you around, (Y/N)." Yui calls.

"Yeah." You groan.

Any sort of independence I've had is dissolving like cotton candy in water.

What am I going to do now?

Yui Michimiya had often talked about Karasuno highschools previous reputation, how great it used to be.

Yet it didn't matter now.

There was no opportunity for those words to prove true.

At least not for you.

I don't know how father is going to feel about this news...

I have no interest in other extracurriculars.

Much to his dismay.

Begrudgingly, you began your walk to class.

Regret and disappointment for your current situation fermenting into a thick cloud around your head.

It seems that bad luck finds me wherever I go.

Even another country.

You were so deeply immersed in your emotions that you failed to notice your basic surroundings.

It was inevitable that you would bump into something.

Or rather, someone.

It was as if you had intended it, you colliding with something you could only describe as sturdy.

It was as if you had intended it, you colliding with something you could only describe as sturdy

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